Kanji used in the Genki textbook series

Genki Book 1 Lesson 6

This collection contains 14 kanji. Please note: the kanji in this collection, and flashcards generated here, use the kanji's standard readings. To use the kanji readings introduced in Genki, and to create flashcards for vocab used in the Genki lessons, use the Textbook Companion.
セイ   サイ   にし west   
ナン   ナ   みなみ south   
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ホク   きた north   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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シュツ   スイ   だ to take out, to put out   で to go out, to exit   
ウ   ユウ   みぎ right   
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サ   ひだり left   
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ブン   ブ   フン   わける to divide, to distinguish   わかる to understand   わかれる to be divided   わかつ to share, distribute   
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セン   さき ahead   
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セイ   ショウ    life   なま raw   いかす to enliven   いきる to live   いける to arrange flowers   うまれる to be born   う to give birth to   き pure, undiluted   お to grow, to sprout   はえる to grow, to sprout   はやす to grow, cultivate   
ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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ガク   まな to learn   
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ガイ   ゲ   そと outside   ほか other   はず to remove, mislead   はずれる to come off, to miss   
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コク   くに country   
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