Kanshudo drawing practice center: hiragana, katakana, components and kanji

Kanshudo includes a sophisticated system to help you practice writing Japanese. Drawing kanji and kana is a great way to cement them in your memory, and should be a key part of your Japanese study program. Use the links here to practice drawing hiragana, katakana and the most commonly used kanji components, as well as the kanji in any of your flashcard sets.
You can also practice drawing any kanji or kana in the Kanshudo system from its details page (example: ), or the quick view you'll see if you click on a character's blue box in kanji search results (example search: 日本語).
For more information on drawing kanji, see our comprehensive guide:
Once you are ready to test yourself, try a few rounds of our drawing game, Kanji Draw!
Hiragana Perfect your hiragana expertise. Our hiragana drawing practice system lets you focus on specific characters, or work through the whole syllabary.
Read more about hiragana in our hiragana introduction, and create free Flashcards. To thoroughly study and test your hiragana knowledge, take the Kanshudo hiragana Challenge.
Katakana Polish up your katakana skills. Our katakana drawing practice system lets you focus on specific characters, or work through the whole syllabary.
Read more about katakana in our katakana introduction, and create free Flashcards. To thoroughly study and test your katakana knowledge, take the Kanshudo katakana Challenge.
Components To really accelerate your kanji learning, you need to study the components that make up all kanji.
Practice drawing the 50 most common components in Japanese.
Practice drawing all / any of the components used in the Jōyō kanji.
Or jump right in with one of these components:
Read more about components in our components introduction, and review a list of the 50 most common components. For more advanced study, review lists of the 214 standard radicals, all components used in the Jōyō (daily use) kanji and if you're really ready for it, our comprehensive list of all components!
Kanji You can practice drawing any individual kanji at any time. You can reach drawing practice in several ways:
  • When the kanji appears in search results, click the blue box to see the quick view, and click the DRAW link (example search: 日本語).
  • From the details page, click the DRAW link (example: ).
Or jump right in with one of these kanji:
You can also use drawing practice with the kanji in any of your flashcard sets.
Please LOG IN to practice drawing with your kanji flashcards.
The Beginner Lessons and Intermediate Lessons also include drawing practice.
You can also play our standalone drawing game, Kanji Draw.
Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language. To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your Dashboard. You can use Quick search (accessible using the icon at the top of every page) to look up any Japanese word, kanji or grammar point, as well as to find anything on Kanshudo quickly. For an overview, take the tour.