The Kanshudo Blog
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You may also be interested in recent additions to our reference library of Japanese grammar and POI (points of interest).
Posted: 2024-08-31,
From pride to shame, two bundles illuminate powerful emotions. The insect bundle (which includes essays about the mosquito and bee) dovetails naturally with the collection on skin. And all four bundles differentiate kanji or words with similar meanings.
Bugging Out
蚊 蛍 昆 蜂
Skin Deep
潤 燥 肌 膚
Pride: Positive or Poisonous
誇 慢 玩 傲
Dying of Embarrassment
肩 恥 羞 膝
Posted: 2024-08-02,
We're very excited to announce the beta of a major new section of Kanshudo: the JLPT Practice Center. The new center will enable you to take full length timed practice tests using the same question types and scoring as the live JLPT. It will help you to identify any weaknesses, and address them.
The JLPT, or Japanese Language Proficiency Test, now about 40 years old, is the most widely adopted certification of Japanese language proficiency for non-native speakers, and is taken by about a million students every year. Our new system covers all parts of the JLPT, including kanji / vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening.
We're launching the beta with the first N5 practice test in place - over the next few weeks, we'll be adding more N levels, more practice tests for each level, and features to enable you to practice specific question types.
To sign up for the JLPT beta, please click here.
As a side note, thank you to all of you who have expressed interest in joining the betas for several other features we have in development. All of those features are still coming, but we wanted to get this JLPT feature (along with another key new AI-related feature we're working on) launched first.
Posted: 2024-07-31,
The four newest bundles provide a crash course in the Japanese arts. One focuses on manga, another on calligraphy, and a third on the artistic mindset, as well as genres from painting to woodworking to tattoos. As for the fourth bundle, it's all about fear. That might seem unrelated, but being an artist means overcoming fear of failure and forging into a mental space where creativity brings on fearlessness.
Fear Factor
虞 恐 怖 惧
The Meanings of Manga
娯 撤 漫 勃
朱 跡 墨 痕
The Artistic Mindset
彩 匠 彫 緻
Posted: 2024-07-01,
One of the best things about learning kanji is seeing how the Japanese take symbols for objects (from eyebrows to bubbles in this selection) and spin off rich idioms. We find plenty of that in these four bundles, as well as fanciful beliefs about how weather works. A fourth bundle presents intriguing connections between smells and behavior, as well as fascinating relationships among the kanji in that bundle.
Scents and Sensibility
香 臭 嗅 匂
Reading the Face
唇 顎 眉 頬
The Inevitable Storm
嵐 稲 梅 雷
A Taste of Transience
浮 泡 夢 露
Posted: 2024-06-28,
We are delighted to announce that we are increasing the number of AI credits included in all 2024 pricing plans! Prices are staying the same - you just get more value from Kanshudo!
Kanshudo monthly and annual subscriptions (with or without Joy o' Kanji essays) will now include 50 credits per month. AI monthly and annual subscriptions will now include 500 credits per month. The additional credits will be applied to your subscription automatically at the beginning of the month (if you are on an annual plan) or when your next payment is made (if you're on a monthly plan).
AI credits can be used for AI Sentence Correct - type or speak a Japanese sentence, and Kanshudo will correct any mistakes, supply alternatives with a similar meaning, and provide other commentary. Sentence Correct is a fantastic way to develop confidence in your Japanese, as well as to ensure important communications are error free. For more information read the blog post.
Additionally, AI credits can be applied to a series of new AI features we are working on. One of the first is a fantastic new way to learn Japanese grammar - we'll be saying more about this exciting new idea very soon.
If you run out of AI credits in a month, you can purchase more - we've now added the ability to purchase a block of 500 credits. Just go to the AI credits section in your account page - here's a direct link.
Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language.
To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your Dashboard.
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