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Posted: 2024-07-01, Tags: joy-o-kanji kanji
One of the best things about learning kanji is seeing how the Japanese take symbols for objects (from eyebrows to bubbles in this selection) and spin off rich idioms. We find plenty of that in these four bundles, as well as fanciful beliefs about how weather works. A fourth bundle presents intriguing connections between smells and behavior, as well as fascinating relationships among the kanji in that bundle.
Scents and Sensibility
香 臭 嗅 匂
These four kanji are practically symbiotic. The verb 嗅ぐ takes 香り, 臭い, and 匂い as direct objects. Although people usually reserve 臭い for stenches and 匂い for fragrances, these words (both におい) can be interchangeable. Each could convey that something "smacks of" a quality. Whereas 臭い can mean that a man looks suspicious, as if he "smells of" a crime, 嗅 enables people to sniff out crimes! Three of the kanji have ties to religion, and with 香 as "incense," that connection is strong.
Reading the Face
唇 顎 眉 頬
From the eyebrows to the lips, we express emotions nonverbally by twitching parts of the face, blushing, or smiling. Learn how the Japanese use 眉 (eyebrow) in terms related to worry, melancholy, relief, and disapproval. Read about charming perceptions of facial structure; an eyebrow is an "eave" for the eye, and other parts are metaphorical girders, vehicles, and gates. Discover rich idioms, such as "scorched eyebrows" and "fox pups have white cheeks," and see how the Japanese associate certain facial parts with exhaustion, delicious food, ordering others around, travel expenses, and long-term financial considerations.
The Inevitable Storm
嵐 稲 梅 雷
Storms produce down-to-earth concerns about when the rain will begin, the damage to crops and buildings, and more. Such grounded thinking permeates these essays. But they also include wildly fanciful beliefs: lightning impregnates rice, thunder is a scolding from a god who might wield a hammer, and a chant or a charm affords protection from lightning. Weather inspires copious metaphors, such as "political storm," "tempest in a teapot," and "thunderous applause." There's also 花に嵐 (inevitable storm that blossoms have to face); literally, it knocks off blossoms, and figuratively it means that one is bound to encounter difficulties.
A Taste of Transience
浮 泡 夢 露
Buddhist views of impermanence once influenced words for "fragile life," words that include 浮. Later, a fear of death inspired living hedonistically in the "floating world"; related terms again feature 浮 (as "transient"). Because bubbles vanish without a trace, 泡 figures into words for "short-lived company" and "fringe candidate" (one who quickly disappears). Dreams (夢) slip away every day, and several words for "fleeting" combine 泡 and 夢. Similarly, dew evaporates, and one famous poem likens the poet's vanishing life to dew (露) and compares his world to a dream (夢).

Posted: 2024-06-28, Tags: ai
We are delighted to announce that we are increasing the number of AI credits included in all 2024 pricing plans! Prices are staying the same - you just get more value from Kanshudo!
Kanshudo monthly and annual subscriptions (with or without Joy o' Kanji essays) will now include 50 credits per month. AI monthly and annual subscriptions will now include 500 credits per month. The additional credits will be applied to your subscription automatically at the beginning of the month (if you are on an annual plan) or when your next payment is made (if you're on a monthly plan).
AI credits can be used for AI Sentence Correct - type or speak a Japanese sentence, and Kanshudo will correct any mistakes, supply alternatives with a similar meaning, and provide other commentary. Sentence Correct is a fantastic way to develop confidence in your Japanese, as well as to ensure important communications are error free. For more information read the blog post.
Additionally, AI credits can be applied to a series of new AI features we are working on. One of the first is a fantastic new way to learn Japanese grammar - we'll be saying more about this exciting new idea very soon.
If you run out of AI credits in a month, you can purchase more - we've now added the ability to purchase a block of 500 credits. Just go to the AI credits section in your account page - here's a direct link.

Posted: 2024-05-30, Tags: joy-o-kanji kanji
When multiple kanji represent a concept, how do you know which one to use at any given time? Two of these bundles showcase characters with similar meanings, illuminating not only the overlaps but also the key differences. A third bundle presents kanji with the "rain" radical (雨); the eye easily confuses them, though the meanings are distinct. The last bundle consists of body part kanji, again with a shared radical (月) but also with comparable cultural significance.
Central Parts
軸 髄 枢 芯
All four kanji represent centers—with slight differences. An axis (軸) lies inside something (a planet, feather, or scroll), as does marrow (髄) and a core (髄 or 芯). Other objects (e.g., doors) revolve around pivots (枢). The body contains specialized brain centers, as well as an axis, marrow, and a core. More abstractly, an axis occupies the center of one's existence. Also, one feels things to the core, the essence of an activity (e.g., aikido) is vitally important, and 枢 helps symbolize the center of the economy, of power, and more.
Pleasure and Leisure
悦 暇 娯 愉
These four essays provide the key to happiness. With 暇 one has free time, whether a vacation, a leave of absence, or simply time to kill. Then 娯 provides destinations for having structured fun, including amusement parks, theaters, or venues for karaoke, pachinko, or horse races. With 愉 people relax into a carefree sense of fun and pleasure. And with 悦 one can experience joy and delight in a variety of things, including hospitality, a sense of progress, food, artistic masterpieces, a college acceptance, religious rapture, and sexual ecstasy.
Droplets of Moisture
霜 曇 霧 露
A book title mentioned in the 霧 essay collectively refers to clouds, rain, and fog by citing their common "rain" radical. That unites the kanji in this bundle, as well. All four essays explore the realities of damp weather, as when fog grounds planes, frost damages crops, and people seek shelter from the elements. Because of such challenges, these characters make great metaphors. The Japanese associate 霜 with hardship; 曇 with life's ups and downs, as well as gloomy feelings; 霧 with mental fog; and 露 with transience. Because 露 symbolizes vanishing realities, that kanji in particular has inspired poetry.
Limbs and Joints
肩 肢 膝 肘
Characters for body parts often feature 月 radicals. That's true here, but these four kanji have much more in common. First, limbs and joints are prone to soreness, injury, and disability, requiring various healing modalities. Second, the shoulders, elbows, and knees can show how we're relating to other people; the Japanese associate these body parts with lending support, sitting close for an intimate talk, and reining in someone's behavior. Those body parts also play roles in martial arts and sumo. Finally, one's stance can express seriousness, tension, pride, shame, discouragement, respect, remorse, or a lack of reservedness.

Posted: 2024-05-24, Tags: topics
We hope you are all enjoying our latest AI feature, AI Sentence Correct! We have some enhancements for Sentence Correct coming soon, as well as another exciting new AI feature.
In the meantime, we've been steadily adding Topic Lessons, with 14 new lessons covering a range of ability levels, and including new games, quizzes, reading and listening material:
Numbers 1 to 100 NEW!
Question Words - 1 NEW!
Time and Schedules NEW!
Musical Instruments -
The Weather - Small Talk 1 NEW!
Transportation NEW!
‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’ – Differentiating between the Different Words NEW!
End-of-Year Customs -
How to Use Local Buses in Japan NEW!
Small Talk NEW!
あし - (A Fable) NEW!
New Year's Eve Soba -
しそば NEW!
New Year's Eve -
The Glow of Fireflies -

Posted: 2024-05-02, Tags: joy-o-kanji kanji
Thematic Bundles help you see differently! See the world from mountaintops! See time sliced up in unexpected ways! See through the soft haze of alcohol! See pottery in a whole new way! And see how to hang in there when life requires great tenacity. Learn the joy of wandering on a whim and the satisfaction of crossing rivers when you come to them. Find out how to move at different speeds. Most of all, see how characters connect in ways that you might otherwise miss.
Lofty Views
岳 峠 峰 麓
Sometimes a mountain isn't just a mountain. See how the Japanese associate certain parts with the peak of a crisis or with a risky situation that leaves no room for error. Find out how most of the population reveres mountains as sacred and how they act on these beliefs. Discover a legendary rivalry between two great mountains, one that proved transformative for both. Learn how particular perceptions of mountains have inspired famous artwork. And see how, to the Japanese, the foot of a mountain appears to be the hem of its "skirt"!
Concepts of Time
旬 昔 暦 頃
The sun, moon, and seasons are natural clocks, but time is also a construct. As this bundle shows, the Japanese divide time into units of 10 (days, months, or years), also perceiving 72 microseasons. Japan has observed lunar, solar, and other calendars, plus 60-year cycles and multiple era systems. For all this precision, people approximate time with "the good old days," "once upon a time," or "around the time." They also have a particular take on time when saying that a food is in season, "at your age," and "It's a great time" for a certain activity.
Do or Die
執 遂 徹 粘
Tenacity binds these essays together, sometimes as the secondary sense of characters. The literal stickiness of 粘 (e.g., natto, clay, and snail mucus!) inspired the figurative meaning "tenacity," as in "stick-to-it-ness." Mainly, 執 involves performing tasks (often by wielding long, thin objects such as pens or batons), but as "tenacity" this kanji drives words about persistence, obsession, and grudges. The whole bundle showcases adherence to beliefs and goals, doing things thoroughly, and seeing things through (e.g., athletes who accomplish greatness). These essays also depict the dark side of such devotion—namely, obstinacy, self-centeredness, discord, monomania, ill health, and more.
Booze 101
酵 醸 酔 酎
The 酔 essay examines intoxication from every angle, including great Osaka bars, studies of drunkards, tipsy cats and wasted elephants, and hangover prevention. The other three essays detail the processes of making saké, shochu, and beer, exploring all of the following (and much more): the ingredients in alcohol, the intricacies of fermentation, modes of distilling and brewing, malt, an old method of making saké by chewing rice and spitting it out, saké as a living entity, the image problem saké once had in Japan, alcoholic offerings to gods, the health benefits of shochu, and using alcohol to make food.
Rate of Change
徐 漸 頓 勃
This bundle presents life at a range of speeds. Two essays focus on gradual change—for better and for worse—in everything from health to the economy. By contrast, three essays touch on sudden developments, including the outbreak of war, a surge of energy, the rapid rise of subcultures, getting an erection, standing up abruptly, bursts of wit, quick enlightenment, and sudden death. Tying these extremes together, 頓 runs the gamut; when it means "to stay in place" or "stop," this kanji involves setbacks and stalemates, but as "sudden" it pops up in words for wild, crazy behavior.
Pottery Is Paramount
皿 陶 鉢 丼
In Japanese cuisine, beautiful presentations are paramount, beginning with the pottery. Essay 1650 explains the philosophy of such aesthetics, including the Zen idea that the transformation of clay into teacups is a religion itself. The other three essays provide vocabulary that distinguishes between vessels (dishes, bowls, and cups) of different sizes and depths. Those essays explore the terms donburi, hibachi (not what you might think!), suribachi, and hachimaki. Moreover, those sources show how, from a kanji perspective, the crowns of our heads are upside-down pots or flat dishes, also explaining how one might eat a "big serving of the head"!
Following Whims
随 漂 浮 浪
All who wander are not lost, at least not with this collection of kanji. They largely represent the happiest forms of aimless wandering, hedonism, freedom from worldly concerns, and wanderlust. Yes, this can veer off into extramarital affairs, restlessness, vagrancy, and unemployment. One kanji figures into a term for "failed college applicant." But another relates to essay writing as "following the pen" wherever it wishes. And two essays in this bundle touch on the Sanka, Japan's homegrown nomads and original hippies. Let freedom ring!
Crossing Waterways
越 沖 渡 遡
A waterway poses challenges to travelers, but such obstacles are surmountable, as all these kanji demonstrate. Both 越 and 渡involve crossing rivers via bridges or boats, and 越 is in a town name that actually means "crossing the river." As 沖 often pertains to fishing some distance from the shore, crossing that water reaps benefits. With 遡 one goes upstream, either along the shore on foot or in the river itself if one is a salmon looking to spawn. The carp, which famously swims upstream, symbolizes courage, spirit, and achievement for conquering the challenges of a waterway.
Thematic Bundles are available for purchase at the discounted price of $8. (Four essays would normally cost $12.) You can also access bundles with essay credits, which are allocated as part of joint Kanshudo + Joy o' Kanji subscriptions.
Joy o' Kanji essays are a great way to deepen your insight into specific kanji, and bundles will introduce you to new connections and more profound meanings. Try a Thematic Bundle today!

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