Getting started
- To get started studying or check your Japanese Mastery Level, visit your Dashboard
- To learn how to get the most out of Kanshudo, see How to use Kanshudo
- Visualize your progress on your Mastery map
- Check your Kanji mastery, Word mastery, or Grammar mastery
- To search any of the dictionaries or the Kanshudo site, click the Quick Search icon on any page - or click here
Navigation and help
- For a quick introduction to Kanshudo's key features, browse the Tour
- For more detail on all key features, see the how-to guide, How to use Kanshudo
- To find a specific page or feature, use Site search or the quick access Visual feature index
- Key features are accessible from the top menu of every page, which is organized by purpose: MASTERY (progress tracking), STUDY (lessons, flashcards etc), PLAY (learning games), and SEARCH
- The bottom menu on every page provides more comprehensive links organized by content theme: INFORMATION, KANJI & KANA, WORDS, GRAMMAR, ACCOUNT, and SEARCH
- Search index - an overview of all key ways to search Kanshudo UPDATED
- Study index - links to all the key study systems UPDATED
- Lesson index - all our available lesson series NEW
- Play index - an overview of games and exercises UPDATED
- FAQ - for answers to any other questions
- Support / contact - for help with any problems or inquiries
- To get back to this index, use the Site index link in the INFORMATION AND HELP section in the menu at the bottom of any page
Social media and community
- Blog - check the Kanshudo blog for news and updates
- Facebook ⇗ - our Facebook home: please like us!
- Twitter ⇗ - our Twitter home
- LinkedIn ⇗ - our LinkedIn home
- Testimonials - some user feedback on Kanshudo
How-to guides
- How-to guides index
- How to use Kanshudo NEW
- Your Kanshudo Japanese Mastery Level NEW
- Getting started learning Japanese with Kanshudo
- How to use the Kanji Wheel
- Kanshudo Challenge: the most effective way to learn kanji and words
- How to master the kanji
- How to prioritize Japanese words to study
- Kanshudo's complete guide to writing Japanese
- The Kanshudo definitive guide to Japanese pitch accents NEW
- How to use the component builder to look up kanji
- How to use spaced repetition flashcards
- How to create flashcards
- Tips for using flashcards to learn kanji NEW
- Read real Japanese with Kanshudo and Satori Reader
About Japanese
- Kanji introduction - an introduction to Japanese kanji
- How to master the kanji - our comprehensive step-by-step guide to studying and mastering Japanese kanji
- Components and radicals - an introduction to components and radicals, the core kanji building blocks
- Mnemonics and cascading kanji - an introduction to two core concepts in Kanshudo's kanji teaching method: mnemonics, and the 'cascading kanji' visualization of connected kanji
- Hiragana - an introduction to hiragana, one of the two key Japanese syllabaries
- Katakana - an introduction to katakana, the second key Japanese syllabary
- Grammar library - a comprehensive reference grammar of Japanese
- Inflection Showcase - a quick and handy guide to inflections and conjugations for different parts of speech
- Points of interest - a collection of interesting articles on Japanese language, grammar, and culture
- Collections - collections of kanji, words and names organized in various ways for easy reference
- General interest articles on learning Japanese - a series of articles on different aspects of learning Japanese
- Search index - an overview of all key ways to search Kanshudo
- Sentence translate - English translations of Japanese sentences, with word and kanji details
- Multi-word search - automatic search for lists of words at once
- Search for kanji:
- by kanji (or Japanese word) - enter one or more kanji or Japanese words to search for
- using the Component Builder (部) - enter kanji you don't know quickly
- by word - enter a Japanese word, and Kanshudo will try various searches to find suitable matches
- by meaning / reading - enter one or more words that appear in a kanji's (English) meaning or (Japanese) reading
- by component - use the grid or just paste one or more components to find all kanji using them
- by mnemonic - enter one or more (English) words that appear in a kanji's mnemonic
- by reference - search for kanji that refer back to a kanji
- Name search - search for Japanese names in English or Japanese
- Example search - search for English / Japanese bilingual example sentences
- Grammar search - search for Japanese grammar and grammatical constructions
- Search index - more detailed explanations of each of the ways to search Kanshudo, with examples
- Search history - view your recent kanji and word searches
Kanshudo Kanji Challenge
- New Challenge - take a new Challenge
- Challenge introduction - Challenges home page, with more information on options and settings
- Challenge status - view Challenge status for all kanji in your current study set
- Challenge history - all Challenges you have attempted and completed
- Choose a study set - choose a specific set of kanji to focus on
- Challenge help - detailed help with Challenges
- Study index - an overview of Kanshudo's main study systems
- Dashboard - your personalized study dashboard
- Kanji Wheel - your personalized Kanji Wheel and Kanji Mastery Score
- Grammar Wheel - your personalized Grammar Wheel
- Word Wheel - your personalized Word Wheel
- Study Points - view your current Study Points total and your detailed study history
- Kanshudo AI Sentence Correct - your personal Japanese coach!
- Grammar Reference Library - Kanshudo's comprehensive Japanese grammar reference library
- Topic Lessons - graded lessons combining video, audio, multiple choice quizzes, reading exercises, games and tests, each focused on a specific topic
- Textbook Companion - use Kanshudo with your existing textbook
- Beginner Lessons - 20 lessons covering 100 kanji, 200 words, and 50 grammatical constructions, designed for absolute beginners
- Intermediate Lessons (series 2) - our new and improved program of lessons covering the first 1000 kanji, designed for learners with some basic knowledge. Includes kanji, vocab, and grammar, with new and improved exercises and games to help learn the material NEW
- Intermediate Lessons (original series) - our original intermediate lesson series, the 53 Stages of the Kanshudo: a structured program of lessons covering the first 1000 kanji, designed for learners with some basic knowledge
- Boost - combine multiple learning modes to study words, kanji, and grammar in tandem. NEW
Reading Corner - read real Japanese essays and texts
- Kaneko Misuzu Reading Corner - read a selection of poems by Kaneko Misuzu, one of Japan's most famous children's poets NEW
- Bunsuke Reading Corner - read excerpts from Japanese literature
- Recently added readings
- Drawing Practice - practice drawing hiragana, katakana, kanji components, and kanji
- Favorites - kanji, words, grammar points and examples you have tagged as 'favorites'
- Flashcards - create flashcards automatically, or from your favorites, or vocab lists
- Quiz - take the kanji quiz to see where you should focus
- Word Quiz - take the word quiz to see where you should focus
- Collections - collections of kanji and words organized around key themes
- Getting started
- The standard 214 Japanese radicals
- All components and radicals used in the Jōyō kanji
- All components and radicals used in any Japanese kanji
- Hiragana
- Katakana
- 100 most common kanji
- 50 most common components
- Core kanji collections
- Jōyō Kanji - the 2136 kanji taught in Japanese schools
- Kyōiku kanji - the 1006 kanji taught in Japanese schools from grades one to six
- Secondary School Kanji - the 1130 kanji taught in Japanese schools from grades seven to twelve
- Jinmeiyō Kanji - the 862 kanji allowed for use in names, in addition to the Jōyō Kanji (for a total of 2998)
- New Jōyō Kanji 2010 - the 196 Jōyō kanji added to the list in 2010
- New Kyōiku Kanji 2020 - the 20 kanji that will be added to the Kyōiku Kanji in 2020
- Kanji by JLPT Level - all 2136 Jōyō kanji grouped into JLPT level
- Core word / vocabulary collections
- Words by Usefulness Level - 102 collections containing the 10,000 most useful words in Japanese, prioritized by study level
- Most useful words for each kanji reading - the most useful word for each official reading of every Jōyō kanji (4266 words in total), presented in the order we present the Jōyō kanji in Kanshudo
- Wikipedia JLPT Vocab - 84 collections containing 8183 of the most useful words in Japanese, grouped by JLPT level, and further prioritized by usefulness
- iKnow! Core 6000 Vocab - 60 collections containing 6000 useful words, curated by iKnow!
- Routledge 5000 Vocab - 50 collections containing 5000 useful words, curated by Routledge
- Graded study collections
- Genki - all kanji introduced in both books of the Genki textbook series, organized by lesson
- Japanese for Busy People - all kanji used in the popular textbook series, organized by lesson
- (see also the Textbook Companion)
- Thematic collections
- Joy o' Kanji home
- Joy o' Kanji kanji essays
- Joy o' Kanji Thematic Bundles
- Countries of the world
- 十二支 - the signs of the zodiac
- 甲乙丙 - the heavenly or celestial stems
- Name collections
- Random kanji - study a random kanji!
- Play index - more information on each of the games and exercises in Kanshudo
- Answer Type - type the readings of words to build your vocabulary
- Kanji Match - match kanji with their meanings to boost your kanji recognition
- Kanji Keywords - learn a kanji along with the key words for each of its readings
- Kanji Builder - build kanji from their components
- Kanji Draw - draw kanji from memory NEW
- Word Match - match words with their meanings to boost your vocabulary
- Sentence Builder - drag words to build sentences
- Sentence Complete - drag kanji onto the blanks to complete sentences. Choose sentences to suit your study level based on their usefulness
- Kanji Quiz - take the quiz for fun to beat your score!
- Kanji Quiz practice - or just practice if you don't want to save your results!
- Word Quiz - test and improve your vocabulary
- Grammar Match - build your grammar knowledge by identifying the correct grammatical construction
Registration, subscription and account management
- Register - become a Registered User to access the full site
- Subscribe - become a Kanshudo Pro to unlock all lessons and all bonus features
- Account details - account status and contact details
- Daily Kanji - manage your preference for the Daily Kanji email
- Search history - view your recent search history
- Quiz results - view your quiz results
- Study points - view your study points and study history
- Terms and conditions - conditions of using Kanshudo
- Privacy policy - in summary, we won't share your data with anyone
- Credits - thanks and acknowledgements for ideas and data used in Kanshudo
Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language.
To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your Dashboard.
You can use Quick search (accessible using the icon at the top of every page) to look up any Japanese word, kanji or grammar point, as well as to find anything on Kanshudo quickly.
For an overview, take the tour.