Kanji search
Type or paste any Japanese or English into the search area.
Kanshudo will show you details of any kanji
included in your search text, or any kanji with readings or meanings matching your search.
Click the 部 button to use the Component Builder to find kanji by radical / component. The Component Builder lets you find kanji using any combination of
- For more information on the component builder, see our detailed How to guide
- You can go directly to component search in future by bookmarking this direct link to the component builder
- For a full list of all components used in the component builder, see the Component details list
For a quick search for kanji, words and names contained in your text, use
Quick search.
If your search text might contain a conjugated word, use Word search.
The following keywords enable you to perform special kanji searches. Any of these keywords can be combined. To use these keywords, you must be logged in.
- In your favorites: favorite:true
- Usefulness: ufn:1
- Your personal mastery level: mymastery:1
- JLPT level: jlpt:5
- Stroke count: strokes:30
- Joy o' Kanji essay available: jokessay:true
- Joy o' Kanji ID: jok:1812
- Usage as a component in Joyo kanji:
Note: the range specifies the number of times the kanji appears as a component within Joyo kanji (so if the kanji is itself a Joyo kanji, it will appear at least once). The format is joyo_component:minimum-maximum
See the Search index for more ways to search Kanshudo.
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You can use Quick search (accessible using the icon at the top of every page) to look up any Japanese word, kanji or grammar point, as well as to find anything on Kanshudo quickly.
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