
Kanshudo's reference library of Japanese grammar and points of interest

Search or browse Kanshudo's library of 983 articles on Japanese grammar and other points of interest.
Use English or Japanese words or phrases. Type any word that forms part of a construction or describes the type of construction. For example:
Browse lists of articles organized by usefulness and JLPT level:
We regularly add new articles on grammar and other points of interest, and add more material to existing articles. Use these links to see what's been added or updated recently:
Getting started:
To quickly identify inflections and conjugations for different parts of speech, use the Inflection Showcase.
Note: you can also search for any inflected form in Quick Search, and Kanshudo will try to identify it for you.
Track your knowledge of grammar points using a 'mastery score' for each grammar point. Mastery scores will be updated automatically as you study grammar flashcards, and you can edit them manually from your mastery summary or from a grammar point. You can view a summary of your mastery of grammar points by usefulness or JLPT level.
Kanshudo is a comprehensive resource for the JLPT, and includes all grammar for all levels of the JLPT (N5 to N1).
Grammar points are referenced by the JLPT level they are first used in, so you can search for all grammar points in a specific level of the JLPT. Use the syntax jlpt:x where x is the level of JLPT (from 5, the lowest/easiest, through to 1, the highest/hardest).
You can also combine searches for a specific grammar point or type of grammar point with a JLPT level by adding jlpt:x to any search:
You can also search for grammar points by Kanshudo's rating of how useful they are to you. Grammar points have usefulness levels from 1 to 6. In general, grammar with a JLPT tag will have equivalent usefulness (usefulness 1 corresponds to JLPT 5, and 5 corresponds to JLPT 1; usefulnesss 6 is for harder / rarer grammar points). Some grammar points have a Kanshudo usefulness rating but no JLPT rating because they do not appear in standard JLPT lists, but you would be expected to know them when your Japanese is at that level.
Points of Interest (POI)
Our library also contains a number of articles we call 'points of interest', covering interesting expressions, quirks of Japanese grammar, pronunciation, how grammar came to be the way it is, as well as Japanese culture and language more generally. You can use the index or the special search poi:true to find points of interest.
Grammar games
NEW Kanshudo includes several games and exercises you can use to study grammar, such as Grammar Match and Kanshudo Boost. To see which grammar points are available for grammar games, use the special keyword examples:true.
You can add a flashcard for any grammar point by tagging it as a favorite using the star icon which appears next to the title in search results, or on a grammar point's details page.
Joy o' Kanji essay articles
The library includes several points of interest related to the Joy o' Kanji kanji essays. You can find them all with the special search jok:*, or you can find ones for a specific kanji using the JOK kanji ID:
Need a new grammar point? Not sure how to look something up? Send us details and we will gladly help! Please CONTACT US.
Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language. To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your Dashboard. You can use Quick search (accessible using the icon at the top of every page) to look up any Japanese word, kanji or grammar point, as well as to find anything on Kanshudo quickly. For an overview, take the tour.
Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google's Neural Machine Translation engine. For more information see credits.