Kanji used in the Genki textbook series

Genki Book 1 Lesson 9

This collection contains 15 kanji. Please note: the kanji in this collection, and flashcards generated here, use the kanji's standard readings. To use the kanji readings introduced in Genki, and to create flashcards for vocab used in the Genki lessons, use the Textbook Companion.
ゴ    noon   
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ゴ   コウ   のち    あと afterwards   うし behind   おくれる be late   
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ゼン   まえ before   
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メイ   ミョウ   な name   
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ハク   しろ white   しろ    しら-    
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ウ   あめ    あま- rain   
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ショ   か to write   
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ユウ   とも friend   
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カン   ケン   あいだ interval, between   ま space, room   
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カ   ケ   house   いえ    や    
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ワ   はな to talk   はなし talking   
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ショウ   すこ a little   すくない few   
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コ   ふる old   -ふる to grow old   
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チ   し to know   
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ライ   く to come   きた to be forthcoming   きた to induce   
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