Kanji used in the Japanese for Busy People textbook series, 3rd Edition

Japanese for Busy People Ed. 3 Book 3 - Lesson 11

This collection contains 10 kanji. To play games with these kanji, or to study the vocabulary introduced in the lessons, use the Textbook Companion.
レン   つれる to take, to lead   つらねる to line up   つらなる to extend   
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ラク   entangled   からまる to be entangled, to be entwined   から to get in a tangle with   からめる to entwine   
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デン   つたえる to tell, transmit   つたわる to be handed down   つた to go along   
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イ    doctor   
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シャ   もの person, someone   
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エン   オン   far away   とお far   
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ケン   と to sharpen, to whet   
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キュウ   きわめる to investigate thoroughly   
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シツ   room   むろ drying room, hothouse   
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ト   ズ   はか to map, plan   
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