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It's quite possible that there are times I am half awake, and thus the day feels shorter.
Grammar and points of interest
Conjugations and inflections
perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say  (often written with kana only)
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1. myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself
2. I; me
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noun, noun (prefix)
1. half; semi-
noun, noun (suffix)
2. half-past
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1. waking up; awakening; arousal; revival
2. disillusion; disillusionment; awakening (figurative)
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adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi), noun
1. time
2. hours (period of)
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irregular 'ru' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live  (see also: 居る; often written with kana only)
2. to have  (often written with kana only)
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1. good; advantage; benefit; welfare  (see also: 為に; often written with kana only)
2. sake; purpose; objective; aim  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: 一日
1. one day
2. first day of the month  (see also: ついたち)
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(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
to feel; to sense; to experience
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ジ   シ   みずか self   
ブン   ブ   フン   わける to divide, to distinguish   わかる to understand   わかれる to be divided   わかつ to share, distribute   
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トウ   かたな sword   
katakana 'ha'; eight
ハン   なか half   
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ニ   ふた    ふた two   
カク   おぼえる to remember   さめる to awake   さます to rouse, awaken   
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ケン   み to see   みえる to be seen; to appear   みせる to show   
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ボク   モク   eye   ま-    め    
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cover; covered   
セイ   wake up
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sake flask   とり sign of the bird   
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セイ   サイ   にし west   
イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
セイ   ショウ   ほし star   
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セイ   ショウ    life   なま raw   いかす to enliven   いきる to live   いける to arrange flowers   うまれる to be born   う to give birth to   き pure, undiluted   お to grow, to sprout   はえる to grow, to sprout   はやす to grow, cultivate   
ニチ   ジツ   sun; day   ひ    -か    
ジ   とき time, occasion   
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ジ   temple   てら Buddhist temple   
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スン   inch
ド   ト   ground; earth   つち ground, earth, soil   
カン   ケン   あいだ interval, between   ま space, room   
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モン   かど gate   
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タン   みじか short   
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トウ   ズ   まめ bean   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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シ   や arrow   
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ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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ジン   ニン   ひと person   
ジン   ニン   ひと man   
カン    feelings   
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all, together, same   
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number 5, 5th   
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tasseled spear
シン   こころ heart   
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