
Name details - 東北大学電気通信研究所

とうほくだいがくでんきつうしんけんきゅうじょ   Tohoku University Research Institute of Electrical Communication/RIEC   (place name)  
Frequency This is not a person name.
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トウ   ひがし east   
ホク   きた north   
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さじ spoon   
left side   じょう    しょう    
ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ジン   ニン   ひと person   
ガク   まな to learn   
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シ   ス   こ child   
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cover; covered   
デン    electricity   
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second   おつ    
ニチ   ジツ   sun; day   ひ    -か    
フ   あめ rain   
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キ   ケ    spirit   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
second   おつ    
crossed swords
ツ   ツウ   とお to pass through   とお to let pass   かよ to commute   
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use your ma
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ヨウ   もちいる to use   
katakana 'ma'
シン    trust, faith   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ゲン   ゴン   say; word   こと word, saying   い to say   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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ケン   と to sharpen, to whet   
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start, initiate   
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twenty; two hands   
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ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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セキ   シャク   コク   いし stone   
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whereupon one
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katakana 'no'; whereupon; splitting away from
キュウ   きわめる to investigate thoroughly   
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ク   キュウ   ここの nine   
ケツ   あな hole   
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katakana 'ha'; eight
ショ   ところ place   
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キン   axe
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カ   ゲ   した below, under   くだ to descend   さげる to lower, to reduce   
コ   と door   
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