Welcome to Kanshudo Kanji Builder

Choose which kanji you want to build in Kanji Builder:

Kanshudo classifies all kanji by usefulness level, in order to help you learn the most useful kanji first. Usefulness level 1 represents the most useful kanji, and usefulness levels 1 to 5 cover all Jōyō kanji. For more information see your personal kanji wheel and our how-to guide to kanji usefulness.
  • You are not logged in: LOG IN for recommendations on kanji to focus on
Draw on the full range of 12907 kanji with composition data in the Kanshudo system!

Choose your game mode:

In study mode, you can use as much help as you need, and you can jump to drawing practice and back again from each kanji. You can also practice building a kanji multiple times.
Use high score mode to test your kanji building prowess! You get 5 'lives' - you lose a life each time you use a help function, guess incorrectly, or pass on a kanji. It's challenging! See how many kanji you can build!
Note: you can save your preferences if you are logged in to Kanshudo.
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Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language. To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your Dashboard. You can use Quick search (accessible using the icon at the top of every page) to look up any Japanese word, kanji or grammar point, as well as to find anything on Kanshudo quickly. For an overview, take the tour.