Japanese Dictionary Quick Search
Search the most comprehensive free Japanese dictionaries available, with 14,000 kanji (including nearly 4000 with mnemonics), 260,000 words, 155,000 example sentences, 915 grammar points, and over 600,000 names. All entries are prioritized according to their usefulness.
Quick search provides the most likely candidate results for your search across key search types (words, kanji, grammar points, names and example sentences). You can also use Quick search to search for features and pages on Kanshudo. Category searches (such as word search or kanji search) provide more in-depth results and functions, including translations of whole sentences.
You can access Quick search at any time by clicking the search icon at the top right of every page. Type your text in the search bar that appears, and then either click a category or just press enter to use Quick search. Once you've run a search, you can use the search switcher    in the navigation bar to run the same search in a different category. Quick search and category searches can also be accessed from the bottom menu.
Enter Japanese, romaji or English, or use the Component Builder to enter kanji. Quick search will display the most common kanji, words, names and examples matching your search, together with links for more detailed exploration by category.
Read more about all the different ways to search Kanshudo in the search index.
Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language. To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your Dashboard. You can use Quick search (accessible using the icon at the top of every page) to look up any Japanese word, kanji or grammar point, as well as to find anything on Kanshudo quickly. For an overview, take the tour.
Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google's Neural Machine Translation engine. For more information see credits.