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1162 kanji found using 'ハ' as a component

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サイ   まつ festival   まつ to deify, enshrine   
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ヨク   あびる to shower, to bask in   あびせる to pour on   
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カ    freight   
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ソン   そこなう    そこねる to injure, to harm   
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セキ    achievement   
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ヨ   あずける to deposit   あずかる to receive on deposit   
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ボウ    trade   
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ト   ぬ to paint   
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フン   こな    こ flour, powder   
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ケン   かしこ wise   
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ヨウ   とける to dissolve, to melt   と    とかす to dissolve (tr), to (cause to) melt   
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チョ    savings   
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ゾウ   おく to present, to give   
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リョウ   すずしい refreshing   すず to cool oneself off   
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ビョウ    second   
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コウ    suburbs, rural areas   
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かい shellfish   
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ショウ   まつ pine tree   
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イ   こと different   
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ゲン   みなもと source, origin   
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エイ   かげ shadow   
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シュウ   ソウ    religion, sect   
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コウ   キョウ    entertainment, interest   おこ to flourish   おこ to establish   
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キョ   あがる to rise up   あげる to give; to arrest; to quote   
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イ   ユイ    bequest   
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トク    coach   
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キ   たっと    とうと precious, valuable   たっと    とうと value, esteem, respect   
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ナ    Nara   
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ミョウ    strange; mysterious   
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ショウ    title, name   
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Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google's Neural Machine Translation engine. For more information see credits.