
637 kanji found using '亻' as a component

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カ   なに    なん what?   
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キュウ   やす to rest   やすまる to be rested   やすめる to suspend (use etc.)   
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タイ   ダイ   かえる to replace, to exchange   かわる to be exchanged   よ the world   しろ substitute   
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タイ   テイ   からだ body   
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サク   サ   つく to make   
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シ   つか to use   
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シ   ジ   つかえる to attend to   
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ヤ   よる    よ night   
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ジュウ   す to live, to dwell   すまう to live (concept)   
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カ   はな flower   
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シャク   かりる to borrow   
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タイ   か to lend   
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カ   ケ   ばける to change   
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シン    trust, faith   
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デン   つたえる to tell, transmit   つたわる to be handed down   つた to go along   
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ケン    affair, matter   
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フ   つける to put in place, affix   つ to adhere to   
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ケイ   in charge   かかり charge, duty   かか to relate to   
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タ   ほか other   
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キョウ   ク   そなえる to make an offering   とも servant, attendant   
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ソク   がわ side   
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イ   くらい rank   
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ニン    responsibility   まか    まかせる to entrust (to)   
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ユウ   すぐれる to excel   やさしい kind   
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おれ me, I   
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ビ   そなえる to prepare, to provide for   そなわる to be furnished with   
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レイ   example   たとえる to illustrate, to compare   たとえば for example   
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ドウ   はたら to work   
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シュク   inn   やど an inn   やど to lodge   やど to give lodgings   
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トウ   たおれる to fall over   たお to knock down   
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