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18 Jōyō kanji found using '冋' as a component

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コウ   expensive; high   たか    たか expensive, tall, high   たかまる to be elevated   たかめる to promote, heighten   
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ドウ   おな same   
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コウ   むかう to confront   む to turn towards   むこう opposite direction   むける to direct towards   
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カ   あやま mistake   あやま to slip up   すぎる to overdo, be more than   すごす to pass, spend   
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キョウ   はし a bridge   
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トウ   つつ cylinder, tube, pipe   
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ドウ    copper   
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コウ   キョウ    entertainment, interest   おこ to flourish   おこ to establish   
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ゴウ    magnificence, strength, power; Australia   
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コウ    manuscript, draft   
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ショウ   furthermore
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ショウ    palm of the hand   
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なべ pot   
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ドウ   ほら cave   
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ドウ    torso, trunk   
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カ   うず whirlpool, eddy   
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キョウ   ためる to straighten, to correct   
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