
102 kanji found using '冫' as a component

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ジ   シ   つぎ next   つ to come after   
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シ    assets   
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ヒ   と to fly   とばす to let fly   
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レイ   つめたい cold   さめる to (become) cool   さます to (make) cool   ひ cold (sake, water)   ひえる to get chilly   ひやす to chill   ひやかす to banter   
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トウ   ぬす to steal   
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エイ   およ swim   
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エイ   long time   なが long (time)   
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ジャク   よわ weak   よわ to weaken, to be troubled   よわまる to weaken, to abate   よわめる to weaken, to break the force of   
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キン    level; average   
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トウ   こお to freeze   こごえる to be chilled, numbed, frozen   
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シ   すがた appearance, form, shape   
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セイ    weird   
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ギョウ    congeal   こらす to concentrate (on), to strain   こ to get stiff; be absorbed in   
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エイ   compose a poem   よ to compose / write (a poem)   
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デキ   おぼれる to drown; to indulge   
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シ   はか to consult with   
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いばら briar, bramble   
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ヤ    melting   
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ジュン    quasi-   
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シ   selfish
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ヒョウ   つ to possess   つかれる to be possessed   
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wide awake   さえる to be wide awake, clear (eyed)   
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リョウ   しの to endure; to protect (from), to prevent   
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リン    shiver; fear   
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イ   よい beautiful, splendid   
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リン    to shiver (with cold or fear)   
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からめる to bind   
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いわし sardine   
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しぼ to wither   
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ヒョウ   gallop
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