
413 kanji found using '厂' as a component

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ハン   めし boiled rice, food   
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ヒ   かれ he   
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ゲン   はら meadow   
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ガン   かお face   
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サン    giving birth; products   う to give birth to   うまれる to be born   うぶ- newborn   
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ヘン   かえ to return, to come back   かえ to return (something)   
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ハン   ホン   タン    anti-   そらす to bend, to warp   そ to be warped, curved   
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ビ   そなえる to prepare, to provide for   そなわる to be furnished with   
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ハ   やぶ to tear, break   やぶれる to get torn, broken   
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キ   あぶない dangerous   あやぶむ to be apprehensive of   あやうく barely, narrowly; almost   
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ガン   ねが to request, to petition   
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ヒ   fatigue   つかれる to be tired   
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ハ   なみ wave   
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レキ    passing of time   
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ハン   さか slope   
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アツ    pressure   
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ノウ    agriculture   
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ハン   バン   いた a board   
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ハン    printing   
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ヒ   こうむ to suffer, to incur, to receive   
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ガン   きし coast, shore, banks   
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シン   ふる    ふるえる to tremble, to shake   
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ゲキ    dramatic, drama, play   
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ハン   slope
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コウ   あつ thick   
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ヒ   かわ skin, leather   
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ノウ   こ thick, dense, dark   
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ハン sell, trade; marketing   
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タン   すみ coal, charcoal   
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カイ   はい ashes   
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