
201 kanji found using '士' as a component

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ドク   トク   トウ   よ to read   
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シ   ジ   つかえる to attend to   
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バイ   う to sell   うれる to be selling; be in demand   
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セイ   ショウ   こえ voice   こわ- voice   
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ゾク   つづ to continue   つづける to carry on with   
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ニン    responsibility   まか    まかせる to entrust (to)   
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キ   よろこ to rejoice   
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テイ   にわ courtyard, garden   
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ソウ   ショウ   よそお to wear; to pretend   
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シ    document   
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キツ   つめる to cram into   つまる to be packed   つ to be checkmated   
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ケツ   むす    ゆわえる to bind   ゆ to braid   
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キツ   キチ    good luck   
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シ   samurai
シ   こころざ to plan, to intend   こころざし good intention   
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ジュ    timber trees   
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ソウ    a villa   
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ボウ   ふくらむ to swell, bulge, expand   ふくれる to swell; to sulk   
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テイ    court   
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チン    wages, rent, fare, fee   
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ソウ    manly, strong   
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ニン    pregnancy   
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コ   つづみ hand drum   
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イン   みだ lewd, licentious   
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カク   から shell, husk   
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レイ    slave   
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コク    cereal   
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テイ    rowing boat   
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イチ    one   
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カン    goodwill   
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Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google's Neural Machine Translation engine. For more information see credits.