
41 Jōyō kanji found using '攵' as a component

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キョウ   おしえる to teach   おそわる to be taught   
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セイ   ショウ   まつりごと government   
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スウ   ス   かず number   かぞえる to count   
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ム   つとめる to work   つとまる to be fit for   
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ホウ   はな    はな to let go   はなれる to get free of   ほう to throw (away)   
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ケイ   admonish
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サン   ちらす to scatter, to distribute   ちらかす to scatter around   ちらかる to be in disorder   ち to fall (leaves etc)   
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ハイ   defeated   やぶれる to be defeated, frustrated   
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カイ   あらためる to reform   あらたまる to be renewed; to be formal   
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マイ   sheet
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ケイ   うやま to respect, revere   
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ゲキ   はげしい violent   
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フ   し to spread out, to lay   
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テキ   かたき enemy   
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シュウ   シュ   おさめる to master   
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コウ   attack   せめる to launch an attack   
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コ   strike   ゆえ reason; deceased   
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セイ   ととのえる to put in order   ととの to be put in order, to be prepared   
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キョウ   surprised   おどろ to be surprised   おどろかす to surprise, to frighten   
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ゲン   ゴン   きびしい severe   おごそ dignified, stately   
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ビ   minute, slight
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チョウ    sign, symptom; collection   
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キュウ   すく to rescue, save   
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チ   いた to do   
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テツ    to go through, to pierce   
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ハン    luxuriant, thickly growing   
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ビン    cleverness   
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ボク   まき pasture   
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ユウ    permanence   
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ム   きり fog   
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