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52 partial word matches found in search 'お昼、どうしようか。'
Most common form:
honorific/polite/humble prefix  (see also: ; usu. before a term with an kun-yomi reading, おん is more formal; honorific; polite (teineigo) language; humble; often written with kana only)
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interjection (kandoushi)
oh! (expression of slight surprise)
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Most common form:
1. cord; strap; thong
2. string (of a musical instrument, bow, etc.)
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adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi), noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)
1. noon; midday  (see also: 御昼)
2. daytime  (this meaning is restricted to form 昼, 晝)
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what to do
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how; in what way; how about  (see also: 斯う, 然う, ああ; often written with kana only)
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but (archaic)
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interjection (kandoushi)
whoa (command used to stop a horse, etc.)  (see also: どうどう)
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Most common form:
motion; change; confusion
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Most common form:
1. trunk; torso; body; abdomen; waist
2. plastron (in kendo); touching the plastron (kimari-te in kendo)
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Most common form: 同士
noun, noun (suffix)
fellow; mutual; companion; comrade
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verb  (linguistics terminology)
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the same; the said; ibid.
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Most common form:
1. precisely; exactly; plumb; totally; very much  (occ. written 度 (ateji))
2. damn; stupid; cursed
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
1. degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.)
2. counter for occurrences and times
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Most common form: 同志
1. like-mindedness; (being of the) same mind; shared sentiment
2. comrade; fellow; kindred soul  (see also: 同士)
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same city
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1 0
noun, noun (suffix)
1. temple; shrine; chapel
2. hall
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Most common form:
1. precisely; exactly; plumb; totally; very much  (occ. written 度 (ateji))
2. damn; stupid; cursed
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the said person; he; she; same person
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auxiliary verb
1. indicates speculation  (after the imperfective form of certain verbs and adjectives)
2. indicates will
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second sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ox, 1am-3am, north-northeast, December)
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Most common form:
1. cattle (Bos taurus); cow; bull; ox; calf
2. beef  (see also: 牛肉; usu. ぎゅう)
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Most common form:
cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae spp.)
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particle, conjunction
(at the end of a phrase) notes one (of several) reasons
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trial; experimental use
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Most common form:
four  (肆 is used in legal documents)
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Most common form: 使用
use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
1. death; decease
2. death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation)  (see also: 五刑; archaic)
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Most common form: 仕様
1. way; method; means; resource; remedy
2. (technical) specification
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Most common form:
poem; verse of poetry
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0 1
Most common form: 枝葉
1. leaves and branches; foliage
2. unimportant details; inessentials; side issues  (see also: 枝葉末節; esp. しよう)
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
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Most common form:
noun (suffix), noun
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1. personal use  (see also: 公用)
2. private business
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Most common form:
noun (suffix), counter
magazine  (see also: 雑誌; abbreviation)
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Most common form:
official; civil service
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noun (suffix), noun
1. appearing ...; looking ...  (see also: 様だ; usu. after the -masu stem of a verb; often written with kana only)
2. way to ...; method of  (usu. after the -masu stem of a verb)
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1. indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.  (at sentence-end)
2. used when calling out to someone  (after a noun)
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auxiliary verb
1. (I) will; (I) shall  (on non-五段 stem, e.g. 食べる→食べよう, indicates intention)
auxiliary verb
2. let's  (on non-五段 stem, indicates suggestion or invitation)
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Most common form: 八日
1. the eighth day of the month
2. eight days
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
1. task; business
2. use; duty; service
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Most common form:
1. yang (i.e. the positive)  (opposite: )
2. the open (i.e. a visible place)  (see also: 陽に)
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'u' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to get drunk; to become intoxicated
2. to feel sick (e.g. in a vehicle); to become nauseated
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emergence (of insects); growing wings and flying
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1. indicates a question (sometimes rhetorical)  (was written as 歟, used at sentence-end)
2. or; whether or not  (after each alternative)
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Most common form:
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
passable; acceptable; tolerable; fair
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
1. lesson
2. section (in an organization); division; department
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Most common form:
1. addition; increase
2. Canada  (see also: 加奈陀; abbreviation)
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
1. department; section; faculty; school; arm
2. course (of study); branch of study; specialization
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Most common form:
rack; mount; stand
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1 word found matching 'お昼、どうしようか。' when conjugated
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi), noun
lunch; noon  (see also: ; polite (teineigo) language)
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