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45 word matches found for '伸' using reading 'の'
Most common form: 背のび
1. standing on tiptoe and stretching one's back to make oneself taller; stretching oneself
2. overreaching oneself; overstretching oneself; trying to do something beyond one's ability; pushing to the limit
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1. extension; prolongation
2. enlargement  (see also: 引き伸ばし写真)
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Most common form: 引伸ばす
'su' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to stretch larger
2. to enlarge (photos)
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ichidan verb, transitive verb
1. to hold out; to extend (e.g. one's hands); to stretch; to reach out for
2. to thrust (javelin)
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expression, 'su' godan verb
1. to (relax and) stretch one's legs out
2. to go for a further walk
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to stretch (unbend) oneself
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to hammer out thinly (e.g. goldleaf)
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bending and stretching
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to make text longer by additional writing
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expression, ichidan verb
to grow taller (of people)
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Most common form: 引き伸ばし写真
enlarged photo; enlarged photograph
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to keep alive on; to stretch food to make ends meet
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to let your hair down; to have fun after a period of work or stress
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to stretch out
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expression, ichidan verb
to lend a hand; to give a hand; to help; to extend a helping hand
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to have a lewd look on one's face; to ogle
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expression, ichidan verb
extending in length (parts of television programs)
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to develop one's ability
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well-spreading cream
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to straighten up one's back (e.g. stand up straight, sit up straight); to hold one's head high
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to smooth out; to straighten; to relax
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smoothing out wrinkles; (with reference to the elderly) recreation
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expression, ichidan verb
to spread (make) a bed
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expression, 'su' godan verb
to stretch one's arms; to elongate one's arms  (obscure term)
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'su' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to stretch; to extend; to lengthen; to spread
2. to gain influence; to become stronger; to increase (e.g. in scope)
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growth period
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Most common form: のし歩く
'ku' godan verb, intransitive verb
to swagger
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room for growth; potential; promise
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Most common form: のびちぢみ
expansion and contraction; elasticity; flexibility
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Most common form: 乗るか反るか
expression, adverb, 'no' adjective
win or lose; sink or swim; make or break; all or nothing  (often written with kana only)
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