(for words visible)
13 words found beginning with '卯'
rising sea waves from late May to early June(click the word to view an additional 1 form, examples and links)
year of the hare; year of the rabbit(click the word to view an additional 1 reading, examples and links)
1. bean-curd lees; soybean pulp; refuse from tofu2. deutzia; Deutzia crenata
(click the word for examples and links)
expression, noun
hour of the Rabbit (around 6am, 5-7am, or 6-8am); hour of the Hare (archaic)(click the word for examples and links)
Most common form: うだつの上がらない
expression, 'i' adjective
lacking potential for advancement; no-hoper (see also: うだつが上がらない)(click the word to view an additional 1 form, examples and links)
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