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1 exact word match found in search '回復'
noun, 'suru' verb
1. restoration; rehabilitation; recovery; return; replevin; improvement (this meaning is restricted to form 回復, 恢復)2. recovery (from an illness); recuperation; convalescence (esp. 快復)
(click the word to view an additional 3 forms, examples and links)
15 words found beginning with '回復'
recovery characteristics (e.g. of electrical sensor)(click the word for examples and links)
RMS; Recovery Management Support (computer terminology)(click the word for examples and links)
7 words found containing '回復' in any position
noun, 'suru' verb
V-shaped recovery; sharp recovery (economics term)(click the word for examples and links)
recovery characteristics (e.g. of electrical sensor)(click the word for examples and links)
K-shaped recovery (parts of the economy recovering from recession at different rates, times or magnitudes) (see also: V字回復; economics term)(click the word for examples and links)
returning something to its original state (e.g. of an apartment when moving out); restitution in integrum(click the word for examples and links)
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