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Those who were engaged in creating haikai professionally were called 'haikai poets.'
Grammar and points of interest
Conjugations and inflections
speciality; specialty; subject of study; expert; area of expertise
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-like; typical
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1. haikai; collective name for haiku, haibun, haiga, senryū, etc.
2. humorous or vulgar renga poetry  (see also: 俳諧の連歌; abbreviation)
(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
'ru' godan verb, intransitive verb
to engage in; to participate; to take part  (see also: 従事)
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Most common form:
1. man; person
2. human being; mankind; people
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1. teacher; master; one's mentor
noun, suffix
2. religious leader
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'bu' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke
2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
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セン   specialist; expert   もっぱ entirely, wholely   
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スン   inch
イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ユ   ユウ   ユイ   よし reason   
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モン   かど gate   
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テキ   まと target   
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ハク   しろ white   しろ    しら-    
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katakana 'no'; whereupon; splitting away from
ニチ   ジツ   sun; day   ひ    -か    
シャク   ladle
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ハイ    actor; haiku   
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ヒ   mistake
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
カイ    joke   
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カイ   みな everyone   
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ヒ   くらべる to compare   
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さじ spoon   
ゲン   ゴン   say; word   こと word, saying   い to say   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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ケイ   たずさえる to carry in one's hands   たずさわる to engage in   
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ノ    whereupon; from (kana); splitting away from   
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little bird
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シ    teacher; army   
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two mouths
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one turban
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キン   turban; cloth
コ   よ to call   
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オ   コ    question mark   
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