
Example details

We suggest you adjust your records accordingly.
Grammar and points of interest
Conjugations and inflections
circumstances; consideration; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs
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Most common form: 合せる
ichidan verb, transitive verb
1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.)
2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
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1 2
1. your company  (see also: 御社; written style; honorific)
2. your shrine  (honorific)
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1. record; minutes; document
2. a record (e.g. in sports); results; score
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adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring
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1. please give me  (often written with kana only; honorific)
2. please do for me  (after te-form of a verb or a noun prefixed with o- or go-; often written with kana only; honorific)
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ジ   ズ   こと thing; matter   
ジョウ   セイ   なさ emotion; circumstances   
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セイ   ショウ   あお-    あお blue   
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シュ   ぬし    あるじ master, proprietor, owner   
ガツ   ゲツ   つき month; moon   
キ   たっと    とうと precious, valuable   たっと    とうと value, esteem, respect   
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チュウ   ジュウ   なか middle   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
かい shellfish   
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katakana 'ha'; eight
ボク   モク   eye   ま-    め    
シャ    company   やしろ Shinto shrine   
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ジ   シ   しめ to show   
ド   ト   ground; earth   つち ground, earth, soil   
キ   しる to note, write down   
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ゲン   ゴン   say; word   こと word, saying   い to say   
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コ   キ   おのれ self   
ロク    record   
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キン   コン   かね gold; money   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
オウ    king   
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watery yo
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スイ   みず water   
yo = to yell / say hi
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チョウ   しらべる to investigate   ととの to be arranged, to be in order   ととのえる to adjust, tune   
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シュウ   まわ circumference   
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セイ   ととのえる to put in order   ととの to be put in order, to be prepared   
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strike the bundle
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ぼく strike   
ソク   たば bundle   たばねる to tie in a bundle   
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モク   ボク   き    こ- tree   
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ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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ジン   ニン   ひと person   
セイ   ショウ   ただしい correct   ただ to correct   まさ precise, exact   
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シ   とめる to stop   とまる to stop   
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