
潤 means 'moisten'

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Strokes : 15    Frequency: 1675   JLPT: N1    Usefulness: 5    Study set: 5-28    Grade: 8   Intermediate lesson: -    Beginner lesson: -   Begins 20 words   Used in 44 words   Used in 289 names   Not used as a component
Jōyō (常用)
   うるお to moisten, to wet; to benefit, to profit   うるお to be wet   うる to be moist, be dull
Name    めぐみ
A Joy o' Kanji essay is available for 潤 - click the badge to download
Learn to say, “moisturizing skin cream,” “dry hair,” and “hydrating my body,” plus “Humid climates seem to suit me,” “When water leaks in, it stains the walls,” and “Mediators act like lubricants.” Also find out how to say, “The Shinkansen has made the area prosperous,” “Tourism enriched the city's finances,” and “Thanks to investment income, my life has become comfortable.”
The essay is also included in the following Thematic Bundles
Skin Deep
潤 燥 肌 膚
A Facebook friend posted pictures of once-gorgeous actors with wrinkled, dried-up faces. His caption: "Moisturize, people!" These essays convey the same message. The ones on 肌 and 膚 provide a primer on skin, including terms for dermatological problems, ads for onsen water that exfoliates skin, a photo of skin-friendly soap, and phrases likening skin to mochi, snow, and eggs. Essay 1757 also cites Confucian ideals about not damaging skin, and an essay 1704 quiz asks what color Japanese people think they are. Essay 1528 focuses on dehydration, including that of skin. And essay 1379 showcases marketing copy about moisturizers.
⿰   () water   extra  
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In the most useful 10,000 words in Japanese, 潤 is used 7 times, read 3 ways.
Across all words in Japanese, 潤 is used 37 times, read 3 ways.
ジュン : 27 words FIND ALL
1. abundant; ample; plentiful; affluent
2. lustrous; glossy
(click the word for examples and links)
うる : 6 words FIND ALL
'mu' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to be wet; to be moist
2. to get dim; to become blurred; to get cloudy; to get muddy; to be bleared
(click the word to view an additional 1 meaning, examples and links)
うるお : 4 words FIND ALL
0 3
1. moisture; damp; wetness
2. richness; warmth; gain; profit
(click the word to view an additional 1 meaning, examples and links)
An additional 3 less common words include 潤 but the reading has not yet been categorized.
Henshall: 1379  Joy o' Kanji : 1379  Key to Kanji:

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ジュン   うるお to moisten, to wet; to benefit, to profit   うるお to be wet   うる to be moist, be dull   
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ジュン   うるう extra, intercalation (= insertion of extra into something, eg leap year)   
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オウ    king   
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ド   ト   ground; earth   つち ground, earth, soil   
モン   かど gate   
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スイ   みず water   
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