Welcome to Thematic Bundles!
Just as a strong bond between two people produces a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts, the same applies to thoughtfully grouped kanji essays. In this section you'll find bundles of four essays that have something essential in common. Considering thematically related essays in one fell swoop enables you to make connections that you might otherwise miss. It also illuminates the real differences between kanji that seem quite similar on the surface. Moreover, having these groupings creates a structure for your kanji studies. Rather than casting about aimlessly for your next interesting read, you can now proceed systematically. If you read one essay a week, then each bundle will provide a "flavor of the month."
How to access Joy o' Kanji essays
Image credit: many thanks to graphic artist Keith Ikeda-Barry ⇗ for the vibrant images that jump off the page!
Dying of Embarrassment
肩 shoulder
恥 shame
羞 ashamed
膝 knee
Pride: Positive or Poisonous
誇 boast
慢 ridicule
玩 toy
傲 treat someone
Skin Deep
潤 moisten
燥 dry up
肌 skin
膚 skin
Bugging Out
蚊 mosquito
蛍 firefly
昆 descendants
蜂 bee
The Artistic Mindset
彩 to color
匠 artisan
彫 sculpt
緻 detailed
朱 scarlet
跡 trace
墨 black ink
痕 scar
The Meanings of Manga
娯 pleasure
撤 withdraw
漫 random
勃 sudden
Fear Factor
虞 concern
恐 fear
怖 frightening
惧 fear
A Taste of Transience
浮 float
泡 bubble
夢 dream
露 public; dew
The Inevitable Storm
嵐 storm
稲 rice plant
梅 plum tree
雷 thunder
Reading the Face
唇 lips
顎 chin
眉 eyebrow
頬 cheek
Scents and Sensibility
香 fragrance
臭 foul-smelling
嗅 sniff
匂 fragrant
Limbs and Joints
肩 shoulder
肢 limb
膝 knee
肘 elbow
Droplets of Moisture
霜 frost
曇 cloudy
霧 fog
露 public; dew
Pleasure and Leisure
悦 ecstasy
暇 free time
娯 pleasure
愉 pleasure
Central Parts
軸 axis
髄 marrow
枢 hinge
芯 core
Crossing Waterways
越 surpass
沖 offshore
渡 cross
遡 go upstream
Following Whims
随 follow
漂 drift about
浮 float
浪 wandering
Pottery Is Paramount
皿 dish
陶 pottery
鉢 bowl
丼 bowl of food
Rate of Change
徐 gradually
漸 gradually
頓 suddenly
勃 sudden
Booze 101
酵 ferment
醸 brew
酔 drunk
酎 sake
Do or Die
執 hold on to
遂 accomplish
徹 go through
粘 sticky
Concepts of Time
旬 season
昔 ancient; old
暦 calendar
頃 time
Lofty Views
岳 mountain peak
峠 ridge
峰 summit
麓 foot of a mountain
Intricate Systems
繭 cocoon
桑 mulberry
巣 nest
蜂 bee
Windows of Time
午 noon
更 again
宵 early evening
旦 dawn
Corduroy Landforms
畝 furrow
堤 embankment
畔 paddy ridge
堀 ditch
In Hot Water
栓 plug
槽 vat
岡 hill
呂 spine; ロ sound
Ups and Downs
凹 concave
丘 hill
凸 convex
岡 hill
Fruit Basket
桑 mulberry
桃 peach tree
梅 plum tree
柿 persimmon
Favorite Foods
芋 potato
寿 longevity
麺 noodles
拉 kidnap
Flower Power
菊 chrysanthemum
丹 rust; vermilion
梗 blockage
藤 wisteria
Be Square
升 measure
井 well
坪 tsubo
斗 Big Dipper
Making the Rounds
傘 umbrella
浜 seashore
鎌 sickle
梨 Japanese pear tree
What Used to Exist
掘 dig
跡 trace
痕 scar
踪 footprint
Power Centers
京 capital
鎌 sickle
畿 city
阪 slope
Prefectures Preserving the Past
媛 beautiful woman
埼 cape
栃 horse chestnut
阜 hill
Holding Space: Containers and Lids
缶 can
鉢 bowl
瓶 flower pot
蓋 lid
Steeped in Saké
酌 bartending
升 measure
斗 Big Dipper
杯 cup
Sounds, Sanskrit, and Statues
刹 temple
那 what?
奈 Nara
弥 increasingly
I’ve Got the Blues
紺 navy blue
紫 purple
藍 indigo
瑠 lapis lazuli
Color Me Surprised!
褐 brown
彩 to color
朱 scarlet
丹 rust; vermilion
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