がっき楽器のせいめい生命 だいにぶ第二部 The Life of a Musical Instrument Part II by おがわみめい小川未明 (translation: J. D. Wisgo)
This is part two in a three-part series.
The source of this piece is:
Japanese: Aozora, English translation: J. D. Wisgo by permission (more information)
This text has been selected to suit reading level: Intermediate.
However, it includes some vocabulary and phrases that you would not necessarily be expected to know at that level.
We believe knowledge of such vocabulary and phrases is beneficial at any stage of Japanese language learning,
as they are commonly used in everyday language.
Many of the readings in the Reading Corner, such as this one, have additional notes in the introduction.
The notes often provide extra information that will help you get more out of the text, including links to articles in the Grammar library.
Additional notes are included with some of the individual sentences in a reading directly below the text.