We found 419 words, 5 names, 515 kanji, and 5140 examples matching 'しょう'
Word search: 419 matches
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Most common form: 小学校
primary school; elementary school; grade school
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Most common form:
1. chapter; section
2. medal
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soy sauce; shoyu  (しょゆ, しょゆう are dial.)
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noun, noun (suffix)
prize; award
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Most common form: 小説
novel; (short) story
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Common name search: 5 matches
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しょう   Shou   (male given name)  
 (click the name to view details)
しょう   Shou   (unclassified given name)  
 (click the name to view details)
しょう   Shou   (surname)  
 (click the name to view details)
しょう   Shou   (male given name)  
 (click the name to view details)
しょう   Shou   (male given name)  
かける   Kakeru   (male given name)  
 (click the name to view details)
Kanji search: 515 matches
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ジョウ   ショウ   うえ above   うわ- above   あげる to raise   あがる to rise   かみ first half, upper part   のぼ to climb   のぼせる to bring up, to raise   のぼ to bring up   
セイ   ショウ    life   なま raw   いかす to enliven   いきる to live   いける to arrange flowers   うまれる to be born   う to give birth to   き pure, undiluted   お to grow, to sprout   はえる to grow, to sprout   はやす to grow, cultivate   
ショウ   こ-    お-    ちいさい small   
セイ   ショウ    sex, gender, nature, disposition   
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ショウ   わら to laugh   え to smile   
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katakana 'no'; whereupon; splitting away from
ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ジン   ニン   ひと person   
ショウ   か to win   まさ to be better than   
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リョク   リキ   ちから effort; power   
チン    royal 'we', emperor's pronoun   
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ニク body part   
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テン   あめ    あま- heaven   
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ショウ    commander; soon   
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つめ claw; fingernail   
スン   inch
left side   じょう    しょう    
セイ   ショウ   あお-    あお blue   
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シュ   ぬし    あるじ master, proprietor, owner   
ガツ   ゲツ   つき month; moon   
ショウ   ゾウ    image; elephant   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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ショウ    bright, clear   
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ショウ   め to summon   
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トウ   かたな sword   
ニチ   ジツ   sun; day   ひ    -か    
ソウ   ショウ   よそお to wear; to pretend   
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ソウ    manly, strong   
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シ   samurai
イ   ころも clothes   
ショウ   きず wound   いた to go bad, be damaged   いためる to injure   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ヨウ    glorious, bright   
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モチ   not
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タン   ダン    dawn   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ショウ    symptoms   
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セイ   ショウ   ただしい correct   ただ to correct   まさ precise, exact   
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シ   とめる to stop   とまる to stop   
ill; illness
ショウ    acquiesce   うけたまわ to hear, to be told   
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サン   み    みっ three   
water ma
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スイ   みず water   
katakana 'ma'
ショウ   となえる to chant; advocate   
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ショウ    prosperous   
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ショウ   つぐな to make reparations   
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ショウ    prize   
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イン    employee   
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かい shellfish   
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katakana 'ha'; eight
ボク   モク   eye   ま-    め    
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cover; covered   
ショウ   impatience   あせ to be impatient   こげる to be burned, to be scorched   こがす to burn, to scorch   こがれる to yearn for, to be in love with   
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little bird
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ショウ   と to soar, to fly   
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ヨウ   ひつじ sheep   
ウ   はね feather   わ counter for birds   
ショウ    palm of the hand   
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シュ   hand   て    た-    
ショウ   さや scabbard   
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ショウ    resemble   
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カク   かわ leather   
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チュウ   ジュウ   なか middle   
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twenty; 20   にじゅう twenty   
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ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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ショウ   よい early evening   
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ショウ    nitrate   
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セキ   シャク   コク   いし stone   
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whereupon one
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ショウ    reef   
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ショウ    pepper; chile   
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シュク    uncle   
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また again   
younger brother
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モク   ボク   き    こ- tree   
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ショウ    iris (flower)   
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ショウ   ソウ left side, left-hand part, left half   
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ショウ    good omen, auspicious   
ショウ    ford   
ショウ    exhort   
Example search: 5140 matches
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It can't be helped.
My family is small.

They are contending for the prize.
I hope you will succeed in winning the prize.
Each of the three boys got a prize.
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Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google's Neural Machine Translation engine. For more information see credits.