We found 970 words, 1 kanji, and 71 kanji matching 'ホ'
Word search: 970 matches
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5th in a sequence denoted by the iroha system; 5th note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.)
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Most common form: 本当
1. truth; reality; actuality; fact
2. proper; right; correct; official
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firefly (Luciola cruciata); lightning bug; glowworm  (often written with kana only)
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1. platform  (see also: プラットホーム; abbreviation)
2. home
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Kanji search: 1 match
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katakana 'ho'; tree
Kanji search: 71 matches
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ホ   たも to protect, safeguard   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ホウ   ボウ   amazed   あきれる to be amazed   ほうける    ほけ    ぼける to be befuddled or slow; to go senile   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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モク   ボク   き    こ- tree   
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ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ジン   ニン   ひと person   
ホ   フ   ブ   ある    あゆ to walk   
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ショウ   すこ a little   すくない few   
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katakana 'no'; whereupon; splitting away from
ショウ   こ-    お-    ちいさい small   
シ   とめる to stop   とまる to stop   
ハン   ホン   タン    anti-   そらす to bend, to warp   そ to be warped, curved   
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また again   
カ   fire   ひ    ほ-    
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ホ   と    とらえる    つかまえる to catch, to grasp   とらわれる    つかまる to be caught   
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ホ    the first time   
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ヨウ   もちいる to use   
ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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ホ   おぎな to supply, to make up for, to compensate for   
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イ   ころも    きぬ clothes   
スイ   ほ ear (of a plant)   
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ケイ   エ   めぐ to bless, to bestow a favor   
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ユ   ユウ   ユイ   よし reason   
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シン   こころ heart   
ホ    pavement; shop, store   
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シャ    house, hut, barracks   
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ド   ト   ground; earth   つち ground, earth, soil   
ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ハン   ほ sail   
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キン   turban; cloth
ハン   ボン    simple, mediocre   
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キ    table   
ホ    bulrush   
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うら inlet, bay   
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スイ   みず water   
うね furrow, ridge   
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ク   キュウ   ひさしい a long time   
the rice field with the lid
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デン   た rice field   
ホ    garden   
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box, enclosure   
ホ   ホウ   fort
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ホ    raise   
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フ    wharf   
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フ    hill   
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two mouths
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チョク   make progress
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ホ   ブ   フ   ある    あゆ to walk   
hiragana 'ho'
ホ    crawling, creeping   
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スイ   ear (of a plant)   ほ    
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ケイ   エ   めぐ to bless, to bestow a favor   
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