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1 exact word match found in search '天'
1. sky2. heaven (this meaning is restricted to reading てん)
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541 words found beginning with '天'
2. natural airhead (see also: 天然ボケ; abbreviation; colloquialism)
(click the word for examples and links)
1. the whole world2. the whole country
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noun, 'no' adjective
heavenly body; celestial body; astronomical object(click the word for examples and links)
915 words found containing '天' in any position
noun or verb acting prenominally
heavenly; celestial; divine(click the word to view an additional 1 reading, examples and links)
short-lived rule; being in power only for a brief period; brief championship (yojijukugo)(click the word to view an additional 1 reading, examples and links)
Milky Way; luminous band corresponding to the plane of the galaxy (astronomy, etc. term)(click the word to view an additional 1 reading and 2 forms, examples and links)
interjection (kandoushi)
2. well done!; bravo! (often written with kana only)(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
Most common form: 天降り
noun, 'suru' verb
1. retiring high-ranking government officials taking a lucrative job in a private or semi-private corporation2. command (from superior to inferior, government to private sector, etc.); order; imposition
(click the word to view an additional 1 meaning and 1 form, examples and links)
1. Portuguese Jesuits (in Japan in the 16th century) (originally from Portuguese 'padre')2. Christianity; Christian
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