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59 words found beginning with '踏'
'mu' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to step on; to tread on2. to experience; to undergo
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ichidan verb, transitive verb
1. to be based on; to have origin in2. to have one's feet firmly planted on; to plant oneself on
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noun, 'suru' verb
following (e.g. suit, in someone's footsteps, etc.); emulation(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
'su' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to miss one's footing2. to be off the right track; to be on the wrong path
(click the word for examples and links)
noun, 'suru' verb
1. travelling on foot; traveling on foot2. travelling all over
(click the word for examples and links)
'ru' godan verb, intransitive verb
to brace one's legs; to straddle; to stand firm; to plant oneself (somewhere); to hold out; to persist(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
1. stool (stood on to reach high objects); small stepladder2. (figurative) stepping stone
(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
'ru' godan verb, transitive verb
to make a bold start; to take a plunge; to take off(click the word for examples and links)
137 words found containing '踏' in any position
'mu' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to step on; to tread on2. to experience; to undergo
(click the word to view an additional 4 meanings and 3 forms, useful expressions, examples and links)
noun, 'suru' verb
1. stepping; stamping; marking time (for a soldier)2. standstill; stalemate
(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
noun, 'suru' verb
following (e.g. suit, in someone's footsteps, etc.); emulation(click the word to view an additional 2 forms, examples and links)
ichidan verb, transitive verb
1. to be based on; to have origin in2. to have one's feet firmly planted on; to plant oneself on
(click the word for examples and links)
noun, 'suru' verb
sounding out; measuring the depths (of a river)(click the word for examples and links)
noun, 'suru' verb, 'no' adjective
1. dancing2. contemporary performance dance (see also: 暗黒舞踏; abbreviation)
(click the word for examples and links)
noun, 'suru' verb
1. travelling on foot; traveling on foot2. travelling all over
(click the word for examples and links)
Most common form: 揃い踏み
1. ritual stamping in the ring (sumo term)noun, 'suru' verb
2. lineup; appearance together(click the word to view an additional 1 form, examples and links)
'su' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to miss one's footing2. to be off the right track; to be on the wrong path
(click the word for examples and links)
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