Japanese vocabulary organized by JLPT level

Wikipedia JLPT N1 Vocab 2801-2900

This collection contains 100 words.
poverty; destitution; privation; indigence; penury
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1. to harm; to hurt; to injure; to damage
auxiliary verb
2. to fail in doing
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1. and so on; and so forth; et cetera; and such; and the like
2. comment; criticism
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exactly; perfectly  (see also: きちんと; onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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Most common form: 途切れる
ichidan verb, intransitive verb
to pause; to be interrupted
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Most common form: すまない
1. inexcusable; unjustifiable; unpardonable  (often written with kana only)
2. sorry; remorseful; apologetic; conscience-stricken; contrite
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Most common form: 込む
'mu' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to be crowded; to be packed
2. to be complex  (see also: 手の込んだ)
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Most common form: なるべく
as much as possible; wherever practicable  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: こんばんは
good evening  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: ズルズル
1. sound or act of dragging  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
2. slowly slipping or drawing back; slithering  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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Most common form: とく
to explain; to advocate; to preach; to persuade
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Most common form: ひどい
1. cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe  (often written with kana only)
2. violent; intense; strong; heavy; extreme  (often written with kana only)
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wet through; drenched  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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pamper; make a fuss of; spoil  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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firmly; solidly; tough  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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Most common form: 取次ぐ
'gu' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to act as an agent for; to intermediate
2. to announce (someone's arrival); to answer (the door, the phone); to receive (a guest at reception); to usher in (a guest)
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opposite side  (mathematics)
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Most common form: やっぱり
1. too; also; likewise; either  (see also: 矢張り; often written with kana only)
2. still; as before  (see also: 矢張り; often written with kana only)
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ichidan verb, transitive verb
to beat; to attack (an enemy); to do away with; to finish off  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: こたつ
kotatsu; table over an electric heater (orig. a charcoal brazier in a floor well) with a hanging quilt that retains heat  (often written with kana only)
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chemical combination
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Most common form: かける
ichidan verb, transitive verb
to wager; to bet; to risk; to stake; to gamble
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Most common form: 代る代る
alternately; by turns
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'ku' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to poke (repeatedly, lightly); to nudge  (often written with kana only)
2. to peck at (one's food); to pick at
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Most common form: さわやか
1. fresh; refreshing; invigorating  (often written with kana only)
2. clear (e.g. voice); fluent; eloquent  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: 受け身
1. the defensive
2. passive attitude; passivity; passiveness
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revolution; rotation
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reimbursement; compensation; reparation; indemnity
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Shinto shrine
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Most common form: 飲込む
'mu' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to gulp down; to swallow deeply
2. to understand; to take in; to catch on to; to learn; to digest
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heartbroken; crestfallen; dejected; disappointed  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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Most common form: もしも
if  (often written with kana only)
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'ku' godan verb, transitive verb
to remove; to deinstall; to take away; to set apart
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ichidan verb, transitive verb
to apply; to adapt
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helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging; disheartening
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various; many; several
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Most common form: 決り悪い
feeling awkward; being ashamed; being bashful
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adverb, interjection (kandoushi)
indeed; really; phrase indicating agreement  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: まるで
1. quite; entirely; completely; at all  (often written with kana only)
2. as if; as though; just like  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: ごと
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi), noun (suffix)
each; every  (see also: ごとに; often written with kana only)
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Most common form: しばらく
1. little while; short while; moment; instant  (often written with kana only)
2. a while; quite a time  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: 吊り鐘
temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell
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Most common form: 自ら
naturally; as a matter of course  (often written with kana only)
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tenacious; tough; enduring; dogged; headstrong; stubborn; obstinate; unyielding
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lunch; midday meal
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'ru' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to become blunt; to grow dull
2. to become less capable; to weaken; to falter
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resignation; acceptance; consolation
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Most common form: いかに
1. how; in what way  (often written with kana only)
2. however much; however (e.g. easy, rich, sad); whatever; how much  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: すがすがしい
refreshing (e.g. feeling, scene, wind, morning air); brisk; bracing; fresh; refreshed  (often written with kana only)
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rude; careless; slovenly
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Most common form: 呼び留める
ichidan verb, transitive verb
to challenge; to call somebody to halt
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1. to be wounded; to get injured
2. to get hurt feelings
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Most common form: 顧る
ichidan verb, transitive verb
1. to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the past); to turn around
2. to reflect on the past; to reconsider; to review
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1. as much as possible; as far as possible; to the best of one's ability; diligently
2. make an effort!; work hard!
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Most common form: とりわけ
1. especially; above all  (often written with kana only)
2. inter alia; among others
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ichidan verb, transitive verb
to hang; to suspend; to dangle; to swing; to carry
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Most common form: ならす
'su' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to accustom; to train (e.g. one's ear)  (esp. 慣らす)
2. to tame; to domesticate; to train (e.g. an animal)  (esp. 馴らす)
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hot topic; talk of the town
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dressed up; wearing rich clothes
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being disheartened; losing weight
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Most common form: そうして
and; like that  (see also: 然して; often written with kana only)
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Most common form: 思いつき
plan; idea; suggestion
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closing up; fastening the doors
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left-hand radical of a character  (see also: )
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(about) middle; midway
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'ru' godan verb, intransitive verb
to happen to pass by
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1. rear; rear unit guard
2. anchor (man)
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Most common form: おはよう
interjection (kandoushi)
good morning  (see also: お早うございます, 早い; from お早く, may be used colloquially at any time of day; often written with kana only; abbreviation)
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dotted line; perforated line
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mental arithmetic
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Most common form: しきたり
custom; conventional practice; mores; ordinance  (often written with kana only)
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coweringly; hesitantly  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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too big; baggy  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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Most common form: まん前
right in front; just opposite; under the nose
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'ku' godan verb, transitive verb
to build; to pile up; to amass
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Most common form: 干物
things dried in the sun (esp. clothes, dyed cloth, etc.)
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Most common form: 体つき
body build; figure
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Most common form: ペコペコ
1. very hungry; starving; famished  (onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
2. fawning; bowing and scraping; being obsequious; being servile; kowtowing; bowing repeatedly; cringing  (see also: ぺこん; onomatopoeic or mimetic word)
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Most common form: しっぽ
tail (animal)  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: 先々月
noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)
month before last
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at a stroke; with a single swoop
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deep feeling; inexpressible feeling; filled with emotion
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solemn (e.g. ceremony, atmosphere); austere; majestic; dignified; stately; awful; impressive
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artistry; good taste; elegance; grace
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'ru' godan verb, transitive verb
to rule; to govern; to administer
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comparatively  (see also: 割合)
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Most common form: そっち
1. that way (direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener)  (see also: 何方, 此方, 彼方; often written with kana only)
2. there (place distant from the speaker, close to the listener)
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carpet; rug; runner  (often written with kana only)
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past events; bygones
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confusing; misleading; equivocal; ambiguous; easily mixed up (e.g. similar words)
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Most common form: つく
'ku' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to breathe out; to breathe  (often written with kana only)
2. to tell (a lie); to use (foul language)  (often written with kana only)
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Most common form: どれどれ
1. which  (see also: 何れ; emphatic; often written with kana only)
interjection (kandoushi)
2. let me see; well now  (often written with kana only)
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quick temper; short temper
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exactly; precisely
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1. waiting on a table; serving (at dinner)
2. waiter; waitress; waitperson; server; cabin boy; bellboy; page; pageboy
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