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All love and sadness melt in my heart.
Conjugations and inflections
Most common form: あい
noun, noun (suffix)
1. love; affection; care  (see also: 愛する)
2. attachment; craving; desire  (Buddhist term)
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0 3
1. sadness; sorrow; grief
2. affection; love  (archaic)
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ichidan verb, intransitive verb
to be jumbled together
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1. chest; breast  (むな is usually used in compounds)
2. breasts; bosom; bust
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beat; heartbeat; palpitation; pulsation; throbbing
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ichidan verb, intransitive verb
1. to be heard; to be audible
2. to be said to be; to be reputed
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アイ    love   
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cover; covered   
シン   こころ heart   
つめ claw; fingernail   
ヒ   かなしい sad   かなしむ to be sad   
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ヒ   mistake
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ニュウ   い to enter   はい to enter   いれる to put in   
ラン   rebellion   みだ to disturb, disarray   みだれる to be mixed up, in disorder   
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second   おつ    
ゼツ   した tongue   
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セン   1000; thousand   ち 1000   
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katakana 'no'; whereupon; splitting away from
ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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キョウ   むね    むな- chest   
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ニク body part   
キョウ    villain   
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crossed swords
open box
コ   つづみ hand drum   
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ten beans
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トウ   ズ   まめ bean   
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シ   ささえる to support   
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また again   
ドウ   うご to move, to stir   うごかす to shift, to move   
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ジュウ   チョウ   おも heavy   かさなる to be piled up   かさねる to pile up   え -fold, -ply   
リョク   リキ   ちから effort; power   
ブン   モン   き to listen, to hear   きこえる to be heard   
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ジ   みみ ear   
モン   かど gate   
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