
Grammar detail: つ te form / つ past form

つ te form / つ past form
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In older typography, it was common to use a large つ in the te and past forms of verbs instead of the small っ used in modern Japanese. The function of the larger つ, and its pronunciation, were the same as the small っ in modern Japanese: to double the sound of the succeeding consonant. In other words つた was pronounced 't-ta', not 'tsu-ta'.
In the following example, the larger つ is used in three words - ことになつて (instead of ことになって), 向き合つて (instead of 向き合って), and ゐなければならなくなつた (instead of the modern いなければならなくなった).
I, with Mr. Ibuse’s permission, stayed in his teahouse for the time being, and, whether I liked it or not, was forced to face Mt. Fuji head on every day from then on.
Source: 富嶽百景 太宰治, translation by Bunsuke)
The example above appears in Bunsuke's Newsletter #241 ⇗. Bunsuke's newsletter features short extracts from Japanese literature, and is an excellent way to encounter Japanese authors and their works. You can also read a selection of Bunsuke's pieces in the Bunsuke Reading Corner ⇗.
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Kanji used in this grammar

コウ   むかう to confront   む to turn towards   むこう opposite direction   むける to direct towards   
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ゴウ   ガッ   カッ   あ to fit, come together   あわす to match   あわせる to unite, join   
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シ   わたくし    わたし I, myself   
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セイ   ショウ   い a well   
フク   ふ to prostrate onself   ふせる lay (face) down   
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シ    family; Mr / Mrs   うじ family name   
トク    profit   え    う to acquire   
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トウ   あてる    あたる to hit   
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ブン   ブ   フン   わける to divide, to distinguish   わかる to understand   わかれる to be divided   わかつ to share, distribute   
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チャ   サ    tea   
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オク   や roof   
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ラク   おちる to fall   おとす to drop (something)   
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マイ   every, each
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ニチ   ジツ   sun; day   ひ    -か    
フ   フウ   とみ wealth   と to grow / be wealthy   
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シ   samurai
シン   truth   ま exactly; deep   
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セイ   ショウ   ただしい correct   ただ to correct   まさ precise, exact   
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メン   おもて mask, features, surface   おも surface   つら face   
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