
雷 means 'thunder'

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Strokes : 13    Frequency: 1613   JLPT: N1    Usefulness: 5    Study set: 5-26    Grade: 8   Intermediate lesson: -    Beginner lesson: -   Begins 36 words   Used in 95 words   Used in 159 names   Component in 8 kanji (0 Jōyō)
Jōyō (常用)
   かみなり thunder
Kun    いかずち   いかづち
A Joy o' Kanji essay is available for 雷 - click the badge to download
See how people have envisioned thunder as a god's drum or hammer. Discover how to use 雷 for applause, amazement, and explosive weapons. Learn to say, "Thunder indicates that a storm is near," "The sound of thunder comes after the flash of lightning," "Thunderclouds hung low over the whole valley," and "Tactless people are likely to step on other people's land mines."
The essay is also included in the following Thematic Bundles
The Inevitable Storm
嵐 稲 梅 雷
Storms produce down-to-earth concerns about when the rain will begin, the damage to crops and buildings, and more. Such grounded thinking permeates these essays. But they also include wildly fanciful beliefs: lightning impregnates rice, thunder is a scolding from a god who might wield a hammer, and a chant or a charm affords protection from lightning. Weather inspires copious metaphors, such as "political storm," "tempest in a teapot," and "thunderous applause." There's also 花に嵐 (inevitable storm that blossoms have to face); literally, it knocks off blossoms, and figuratively it means that one is bound to encounter difficulties.
⿱   () rain   rice field  
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In the most useful 10,000 words in Japanese, 雷 is used 2 times, read 2 ways.
Across all words in Japanese, 雷 is used 79 times, read 2 ways.
ライ : 70 words FIND ALL
(click the word for examples and links)
かみなり : 9 words FIND ALL
3 4 0
1. lightning; thunder; thunderbolt
2. god of thunder; god of lightning  (this meaning is restricted to reading かみなり)
(click the word to view an additional 3 readings, 1 meaning and 3 forms, useful expressions, examples and links)
An additional 5 less common words include 雷 but the reading has not yet been categorized.
Henshall: 1888  Joy o' Kanji : 1888  Key to Kanji:

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ライ   かみなり thunder   
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フ   あめ rain   
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デン   た rice field   
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