We found 98 words, 3 names, 55 kanji, and 559 examples matching 'ふく'
Word search: 98 matches
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Most common form:
noun, noun (suffix)
1. clothes (esp. Western clothes)
suffix, counter
2. counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc.  (see also: 一服)
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1 2
'ku' godan verb, intransitive verb
1. to blow (of the wind)​
'ku' godan verb, transitive verb
2. to blow (one's breath); to breathe out; to blow on (hot tea, candles, etc.); to puff​
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Most common form:
good fortune
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Most common form: 複雑
complex; complicated; mixed (feelings)  (see also: ややこしい)
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Most common form: 服装
garments; attire
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Common name search: 3 matches
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ふく   Fuku   (place name, surname, female given name)  
 (click the name to view details)
とみひさ   Tomihisa   (place name, surname, unclassified given name)  
 (click the name to view details)
はば   Haba   (surname)  
 (click the name to view details)
Kanji search: 55 matches
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フク    fortune, blessing   
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ジ   シ   しめ to show   
フク    fill   
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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デン   た rice field   
フク    clothes   
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ニク body part   
sealed up again
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また again   
フク   はら stomach, abdomen   
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make the man go all day
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
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ニチ   ジツ   sun; day   ひ    -か    
フク    return, be restored   
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スイ   ふ to blow   
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ケツ   か to lack   かける to be lacking   
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ジン   ニン   ひと person   
フク   ふ to prostrate onself   ふせる lay (face) down   
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ケン   いぬ dog   
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ダイ   タイ   おおきい big   おおいに very much   おお-    
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
フク    double, multiple   
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イ   ころも    きぬ clothes   
フク    assistant   
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トウ   かたな sword   
フク   はば breadth, width; range; influence   
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キン   turban; cloth
フク   overturned   くつがえ to be overturned   くつがえ to overturn   おお to conceal, disguise   
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ショク   ぬぐ to wipe, to get rid of   ふ to wipe, to dry   
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シキ    ceremony, method, style   
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コウ   ク    work; construction; craft   
フン   ふ to erupt, sprout   
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フン    decoration   
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ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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かい shellfish   
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katakana 'ha'; eight
ボク   モク   eye   ま-    め    
フク    crawling   
フク    fortune, blessing   
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ジ   シ   しめ to show   
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ニ   ふた    ふた two   
ショウ   こ-    お-    ちいさい small   
Example search: 559 matches
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I washed the clothes.
I put on my clothes.
I took off my clothes.
I handed over the clothes.
I washed the clothes.
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Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google's Neural Machine Translation engine. For more information see credits.