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We found 1 word and 4 kanji matching '甚兵衛鮫'
Word search: 1 match
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Most common form: ジンベエザメ
whale shark (Rhincodon typus)  (see also: 甚平鮫; often written with kana only)
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Kanji search: 4 matches
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ジン   はなはだしい excessive, severe   はなは immensely, greatly   
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カン   あま sweet, indulgent   あまえる to behave like a spoiled child   あまやかす to pamper   
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twenty; 20   にじゅう twenty   
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ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ヒツ   ひき counter for animals   
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side open box
ヘイ   ヒョウ    soldier   
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キン   axe
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カ   ゲ   した below, under   くだ to descend   さげる to lower, to reduce   
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エイ    defense   
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イ    tanned leather   
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wheel around
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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ゴ   いつ-    いつ five   
コウ   ギョウ   アン   ゆ    い to go   おこな to take place   
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チョウ   テイ    a (city) block; counter for long/narrow things, blocks of tofu   
さめ shark   
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コウ   mix; mixed   まぜる to mix, stir   まざる    まじる to be mixed together   まじえる to mix, intersperse   まじわる to intersect   か to take turns   かわす to exchange   
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ロク   むっ six   む    むい    む    
フ   ちち father   
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katakana 'ha'; eight
crossed swords
ギョ   さかな    うお fish   
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デン   た rice field   
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