
Example details


It's one thing to tell a lie. But ... at least choose the name you use in a made-up story carefully!
Grammar and points of interest
Conjugations and inflections
Most common form: 嘘を付く
expression, 'ku' godan verb
to tell a lie; to fib
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1. good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable  (see also: 良い)
2. sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer); ready; prepared  (see also: 良い)
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Most common form: ですが
but; however; (and) yet; nevertheless; still; for all that
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fiction; made-up story; fable; fabrication; myth
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'u' godan verb, transitive verb
1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use
2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate  (see also: 人使い)
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1. name; full name  (see also: 名字, )
2. given name; first name
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Most common form: さすが
1. as one would expect  (often written with kana only)
2. still; all the same  (often written with kana only)
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'bu' godan verb, transitive verb
to choose; to select
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うそ a lie   
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コウ   ク   くち mouth   
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キョ   コ    void   
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とら tiger   
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divining rod
シチ   なな    なな    なの seven   
almost lined up
サク   サ   つく to make   
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ながらも although   -なが while   
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ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ニ   ふた    ふた two   
ジン   ニン   ひと man   
ワ   はな to talk   はなし talking   
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ゼツ   した tongue   
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セン   1000; thousand   ち 1000   
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katakana 'no'; whereupon; splitting away from
ジュウ   ジッ   と    とお ten   
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イチ   イツ   ひと    ひと- one   
ゲン   ゴン   say; word   こと word, saying   い to say   
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シ   つか to use   
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リ    official   
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シ    history   
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crossed swords
チュウ   ジュウ   なか middle   
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メイ   ミョウ   な name   
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セキ   ゆう night   
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katakana 'ta'
ゼン   まえ before   
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the body part and the sword
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ニク body part   
トウ   かたな sword   
ル   リュウ   ながれる to flow   なが to pour out, to flush    
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スイ   みず water   
private lidded river
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private lidded
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ム   private
セン   かわ river   
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セキ   シャク   コク   いし stone   
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whereupon one
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セン   えら choose   
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コ   キ   おのれ self   
キョウ   とも together   
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katakana 'ha'; eight
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