Grammar detail: telling the time in Japanese
telling the time in Japanese
496 words
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Telling the time in Japanese is quite straightforward and regular.
To specify the hour, append the counter
to the number. You can use the following search syntax to find the hours in the dictionary: counter:時.一時 | いちじ | one o'clock |
二時 | にじ | two o'clock |
三時 | さんじ | three o'clock |
四時 | よじ | four o'clock |
五時 | ごじ | five o'clock |
六時 | ろくじ | six o'clock |
七時 | しちじ (ななじ is also OK) | seven o'clock |
八時 | はちじ | eight o'clock |
九時 | くじ | nine o'clock |
十時 | じゅうじ | ten o'clock |
十一時 | じゅういちじ | eleven o'clock |
十二時 | じゅうにじ | twelve o'clock |
Note: to specify the number of hours, we add
meaning 'interval' after the hour. For example:三時間 | さんじかん | (for) three hours |
For minutes, we just add the counter 分 (read as ふん or ぷん following つ or ん). You can use the following search syntax to find the hours in the dictionary: counter:分.
一分 | いっぷん | one minute |
二分 | にふん | two minutes |
三分 | さんぷん | three minutes |
四分 | よんぷん | four minutes |
五分 | ごふん | five minutes |
六分 | ろっぷん | six minutes |
七分 | ななふん | seven minutes |
八分 | はっぷん | eight minutes |
九分 | きゅうふん | nine minutes |
十分 | じっぷん | ten minutes |
十一分 | じゅういっぷん | eleven minutes |
Note that 十分 is officially read じっぷん. However, じゅっぷん is commonly encountered, and in most situations (except possibly exams!) would not be considered wrong.
Quarter past, half past, quarter to
(hour) + 半 | はん | half past |
(hour) + 15分 | じゅうごふん | 15 minutes past (can be used as the equivalent of 'quarter past' the hour specified) |
(hour) + 45分 | よんじゅうごふん | 45 minutes past (can be used as the equivalent of 'quarter to (the hour after the one specified)') |
(hour) + 15分前 | じゅうごふんまえ | 15 minutes before (can be used as the equivalent of 'quarter to (the hour)', emphasizing the fact that it is not yet the hour specified) |
Note that in Japanese, 'half past' is simply 'half'.
In the same way, there is no direct expression for 'quarter past', but rather the Japanese for '15 minutes' is used. In other words, in Japanese, there is nothing 'special' about 15 minutes past compared to say 14 minutes past, and there is no word for 'past'. So for example 'quarter past four' would simply be
(four hours fifteen minutes).There is no expression for 'quarter to' - the expression translates to '15 minutes before'. Typically, rather than counting backwards from the later hour, in Japanese you would count forwards from the preceding hour.
For example:
3時半 | さんじはん | half past three |
4時15分 | よじじゅうごふん | four fifteen = quarter past four |
6時45分 | ろくじよんじゅうごふん | six forty five |
7時15分前 | しちじじゅうごふんまえ | quarter to seven = six forty five |
Times of day
朝に | あさに | in the morning |
午後に | ごごに | in the afternoon |
夜に | よるに | in the evening |
正午 | しょうご | midday |
'In the morning' is typically expressed using 朝に. However, it is also common to say
に, which means 'during the morning'. The term ごぜん
に is not incorrect, but less common.'Midnight' does not have a direct equivalent in Japanese. The term
is commonly used to mean 'a time somewhere between around 11pm and 1am'. Also commonly used is まよなか
, which means literally 'the middle of the night', rather than midnight as it is understood in English. To refer specifically to 12 o'clock, よろじゅうにじ
or よなか
are more commonly used.Other useful time-related expressions
何時ですか | なんじですか | What time is it? |
See also:
Kanji used in this grammar
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