Kanshudo's Japanese Grammar Overview
892 items found
なる adjectival form
なる adjectival form
adjective conditional form
adjective conditional form
adjective negative forms
adjective negative forms
の adjectives
の adjectives
たる adjectives
たる adjectives
adverbial nouns
adverbial nouns
ちち and おとうさん
ちち and おとうさん
い and な adjectives
い and な adjectives
an introduction to 敬語(けいご)and politeness in Japanese
an introduction to 敬語(けいご)and politeness in Japanese
き archaic adjective form
き archaic adjective form
し archaic adjective form
し archaic adjective form
archaic / classical / historical forms
archaic / classical / historical forms
ゆ archaic verb form
ゆ archaic verb form
Average Japanese sentence length
Average Japanese sentence length
being more polite than ください
being more polite than ください
casual sentence ending particle さ
casual sentence ending particle さ
CJK compatibility ideographs
CJK compatibility ideographs
colloquial variations of Japanese
colloquial variations of Japanese
colors in Japanese
colors in Japanese
Compound verbs
Compound verbs
ん contraction of の
ん contraction of の
counters for objects and other things
counters for objects and other things
counting hours and years
counting hours and years
decimals and fractions
decimals and fractions
difference between で and に
difference between で and に
difference between だけ and しか
difference between だけ and しか
あく, あける, ひらく, しめる, しまる, とじる etc.
あく, あける, ひらく, しめる, しまる, とじる etc.
excuses, apologies, and attracting attention
excuses, apologies, and attracting attention
extended and rare katakana
extended and rare katakana
family are people
family are people
family members
family members
〜ぬる form
〜ぬる form
Getting started with Japanese grammar
Getting started with Japanese grammar
Godan 五段(ごだん)'う' form verbs
Godan 五段(ごだん)'う' form verbs
honorific prefixes ご and お
honorific prefixes ご and お
Ichidan 一段 (いちだん) 'る' form verbs
Ichidan 一段 (いちだん) 'る' form verbs
'I' omission
'I' omission
irregular negative forms
irregular negative forms
Japanese business terminology
Japanese business terminology
Japanese dates
Japanese dates
Japanese greetings
Japanese greetings
Japanese numbers and counting
Japanese numbers and counting
Japanese pronunciation
Japanese pronunciation
Japanese punctuation
Japanese punctuation
Japanese terms for parts of speech
Japanese terms for parts of speech
Japanese verbs and verb conjugation
Japanese verbs and verb conjugation
Japanese word order
Japanese word order
Kanji terminology
Kanji terminology
key verb conjugations
key verb conjugations
mathematical notation
mathematical notation
moods in Japanese
moods in Japanese
やしない negative
やしない negative
noun + する / します
noun + する / します
です omission
です omission
other forms of です
other forms of です
particle combination なの and なのは
particle combination なの and なのは
personal pronouns
personal pronouns
あまり(に)(も) + positive adjective / verb
あまり(に)(も) + positive adjective / verb
too ~; too much ~; excessive ~
prepositions in Japanese
prepositions in Japanese
present continuous for state
present continuous for state
でも + question
でも + question
relative clause word order
relative clause word order
sentence ending particle な
sentence ending particle な
sentence patterns for counting
sentence patterns for counting
つ te form / つ past form
つ te form / つ past form
telling the time in Japanese
telling the time in Japanese
temporal nouns
temporal nouns
the character ヶ
the character ヶ
the many uses of 気(き)
the many uses of 気(き)
there is now way to ~; it's impossible to ~
there is now way to ~; it's impossible to ~
topic marker は is pronounced 'wa'
topic marker は is pronounced 'wa'
Transitive and intransitive verbs
Transitive and intransitive verbs
use a verb as an adjective
use a verb as an adjective
use of 人 to refer to oneself
use of 人 to refer to oneself
uses of より
uses of より
using kanji or kana for grammar
using kanji or kana for grammar
using passive form as honorific
using passive form as honorific
Various Ways to List Things
Various Ways to List Things
various ways to say goodbye
various ways to say goodbye
verb て form
verb て form
verb ます form (also known as the polite form)
verb ます form (also known as the polite form)
verb negative form
verb negative form
verb negative past form
verb negative past form
verb negative stem
verb negative stem
verb plain form (also known as the dictionary form)
verb plain form (also known as the dictionary form)
verb plain form vs polite form
verb plain form vs polite form
verb plain past form
verb plain past form
Verb - Polite Forms
Verb - Polite Forms
verb polite te (まして) form
verb polite te (まして) form
verb stem + んばかり
verb stem + んばかり
にも vs に
にも vs に
をする vs する
をする vs する
くらい vs ぐらい
くらい vs ぐらい
さようなら vs さよなら
さようなら vs さよなら
する vs なさる vs いたす
する vs なさる vs いたす
〜ないで vs 〜なくて vs 〜ずに
〜ないで vs 〜なくて vs 〜ずに
the difference between the ないで, なくて, ずに negative joining forms
一(ひと)phrasal verbs
一(ひと)phrasal verbs
今日 - きょう vs こんにち
今日 - きょう vs こんにち
その他 - そのた and そのほか
その他 - そのた and そのほか
国民 vs 国家
国民 vs 国家
抜きに, 抜きにして, 抜きで
抜きに, 抜きにして, 抜きで
ら抜き言葉(ranuki kotoba)
ら抜き言葉(ranuki kotoba)
甘党 and 辛党
甘党 and 辛党
皆さん(みなさん) vs みんな
皆さん(みなさん) vs みんな
the best thing to do is ~; there is no harm in ~; it's safest to ~
こむ/込む compound verbs
こむ/込む compound verbs
近い and 近く
近い and 近く
間 - あいだ vs ま vs かん
間 - あいだ vs ま vs かん
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